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Silly inmates. Suing because no ac is cruel and unusual.

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  • #46
    Originally posted by abecx View Post
    Its funny that you over exaggerating i support the death penalty fuck all felons blind fools think that because you give comfort in the slightest to people that have been confined is a negative.

    We have double the amount of people in prison than China who has 5 times our population. We're doing shit wrong. Our police system is ass backwards and dated. Our government was built around lack of communication from west to east and is no longer in requirement of such thin representation. If you want to complain about wasted taxes, try talking about USADA, and other bullshit like a congressional hearing against baseball, thats wasted fucking money.

    The fact that prison is harsh leads people to be return offenders because by the time they get out they are so warped that it leads to bring brought back. Lack of jobs ( try getting a job as a felon in a bad economy ), lack of skills, its rough. Scaring people straight is a tactic that does not work. Making it somewhat palatable and giving people a chance to progress is a positive. Instead of giving people 10 cents a day to make license plates, why not give them some sort of pension that they can spend when they get out so they can get a place. Do you know what its like to do work all day and have barely enough money to buy some shampoo when you have 0 other bills?

    Compassion is not a negative. You act as like people are saying MAKE 70 DEGREEES IN THERE HELL I CANT AFFORD THAT IN MY OWN HOME, simply they are saying it needs to be less than 140 degrees and people are dying.

    Then again, most of you idiots have Enron syndrome and cant think further than 3 days out if that.
    Do you really think China has a smaller prison population because they are a generous and loving government looking to rehabilitate their offenders?


    • #47
      Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
      Do you really think China has a smaller prison population because they are a generous and loving government looking to rehabilitate their offenders?
      Where did you extrapolate that statement from, I simply indicated they had a smaller prison system than we do with 5 times the population. I'm sure you'll bring up their driving death sentence vans and firing squad executions pre 2007 next.

      My point is were doing something wrong, and rather than trying to ignore with KILL THEM ALL statements, perhaps we should be thinking why it is not working and what are some other countries doing that does work.


      • #48
        The point of my comment is that regardless of what anyone has done, they're still human no matter, if someone commit a crime so horrific or violent they shouldn't be alive or even step foot in a prison.
        Street car.


        • #49
          Originally posted by abecx View Post
          Where did you extrapolate that statement from, I simply indicated they had a smaller prison system than we do with 5 times the population. I'm sure you'll bring up their driving death sentence vans and firing squad executions pre 2007 next.

          My point is were doing something wrong, and rather than trying to ignore with KILL THEM ALL statements, perhaps we should be thinking why it is not working and what are some other countries doing that does work.
          They're still in use, there's no "Pre-2007" to it. In 2009, they killed 10,000 prisoners with death vans. Did you know that tax evasion is punishable by death in China? The plus side is that they use the organs of the dead prisoners to sustain life of the more "useful" members of society.


          • #50
            Prisons that are South of us are so terrible that the population chooses coming here illegally to our plush way of life. If they get thrown in prison here it's better than living back home.

            I'd say they've got a good thing going. Make prison so terrible that criminals would rather leave the country. Then they're no longer a tax burden on us.

            I would rather my tax money go into making our judicial system better instead of paying for niceties that make prison life better. That's seriously backwards.

            All of the criminals I have talked with said jail was merely a vacation from the chaotic street life they were living. They used it as a time to decompress so they could get back to the grind with a clear head.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
              They're still in use, there's no "Pre-2007" to it. In 2009, they killed 10,000 prisoners with death vans. Did you know that tax evasion is punishable by death in China? The plus side is that they use the organs of the dead prisoners to sustain life of the more "useful" members of society.


              • #52
                Well shit. We didn't make the top 5.

                5) Mendoza Prison, Argentina:
                To begin our list, Mendoza Prison houses 1,600 inmates in a facility designed for 600. As many as five inmates are packed into each four square meter cell. Septic tanks are limited, leaving the majority of the inmates to defecate in plastic bags and urinate in plastic bottles. To top it all off, there are no medical records for the prisoners and medical staff is only called in after an inmate has died.

                4) Nairobi Prison, Kenya:
                Inhumane conditions characterize this prison. Populations of 3,800 inmates inhabit a space designed for 800. Moreover, 250 short-term prisoners occupy a temporary space for periods of time designed for 50. Prisoners lack basic necessities such as proper food, clothing, mattresses, and medical assistance. Because of the overcrowding, there is limited medical help and many die in agony from disease.

                3) La Sabaneta Prison, Venezuela:
                Trumping both Nairobi and Mendoza Prisons for most congested, The Sabaneta Prison in Venezuela houses 25,000 prisoners in a facility meant for 15,000. Corruption runs rampant among the judicial system and the most powerful and wealthy inmates attain rooms with more space and better conditions, leaving the rest to overcrowding and harsh conditions. The prison is also wildly understaffed. There is only about one guard for every 150 inmates, leaving the door open for corrupted practices and violence among guards and inmates.

                2) Diyarbakir Prison, Turkey:
                The shady past of this Turkish prison leaves it at number two. Events such as the incarceration of children for lifelong sentences, to overcrowding, to hallways flooded with sewage help explain why this prison made the list. Notorious violence between guards and prisoners creates a hostile environment. A 1996 incident between guards and prisoners left 10 inmates dead and 23 injured with 9 in critical condition.

                1) Bang Kwang Prison, Thailand:
                Also known as the “Bangkok Hilton,” Bang Kwang is the central, high-security prison for men. It maintains all of the characteristics of a poor facility including, but not limited to, overcrowding, understaffing, and corruption. Also, criminally insane inmates are confined and tormented by leg irons as they spend their first months in prison. What’s frightening here is the high number of foreign population serving outrageous sentences within the prison. For example, one recorded case involves a young man from England caught at the border between Cambodia and Thailand with £130.00 (about $213.00) of amphetamine pills. He was initially set to serve a life sentence but pleaded guilty and is currently serving 30 years.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by abecx View Post
                  The point is: China's general population is not smaller because they give people chances. It's smaller because they kill undesirables routinely for minor offenses. Life has little value.


                  • #54
                    Society, in China, plays a much larger role in keeping the prison system less crowded than here.

                    Look into social control/ social constraint criminological theory.

                    We would have to seriously alter our current way of life. I don't see that happening here. Everyone is too self involved.


                    • #55
                      If the conditions are so bad that people are dying from heat/cold, then something must be done. They are in there for a prison sentence, not a death penalty. 145* is a fair bit on the cruel and unusual side. Everyone that is lumping people into this criminal group, there could be people in there for tax evasion, etc. along with murderers and killers.

                      And LOL at the guy saying that anyone that has a different opinion than him has been in prison...

                      Originally posted by SSMAN
                      ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
                        They're still in use, there's no "Pre-2007" to it. In 2009, they killed 10,000 prisoners with death vans. Did you know that tax evasion is punishable by death in China? The plus side is that they use the organs of the dead prisoners to sustain life of the more "useful" members of society.
                        We should harvest their organs here. Life sentence: give up a lung to cover the cost of 3 squares and bed.

                        Want to knock a few years off your sentence? Donate a kidney!

                        I have no sympathy for violent/sex offenders. Clean house as far as I'm concerned.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by stevo View Post
                          Everyone that is lumping people into this criminal group, there could be people in there for tax evasion, etc. along with murderers and killers.
                          oh you bounced a check? Enjoy your year long stay in the 100 degree heat.

                          Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
                          The point is: China's general population is not smaller because they give people chances. It's smaller because they kill undesirables routinely for minor offenses. Life has little value.
                          Death penalty in China is determined by their top court, they dont kill rountinely for minor offense. Still, no one said their prison system was amicable.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by abecx View Post
                            oh you bounced a check? Enjoy your year long stay in the 100 degree heat.

                            Death penalty in China is determined by their top court, they dont kill rountinely for minor offense. Still, no one said their prison system was amicable.
                            Death sentences are handed down by the Local People's court. They report death sentences to the Supreme People's court.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Buick355 View Post
                              Damn, didn't know that. I feel sorry for the guards, I bet it's hot as fuck in there.
                              yup, I was surprised to hear that too. A guy I know who just got out earlier this year, said that last year when it was hot as fuck, that in addition to dealing with the unbearable heat constantly, that at night all kinds bugs would bite the inmates trying to get some type of moisture, so they didnt sleep much.
                              Vortex rear stand $75
                              8.8 410s. $50

                              **SKAGG NASTY**
                              My goal in life is to not arrive at the grave in a well preserved body.
                              but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "holy shit!!!.. what a ride!"

                              1990 Foxbody GT for that ass
                              11 4 door
                              13 FX2 White 5.0


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by 4eyedwillie View Post
                                The point of this thread *SEEMS* to me to be screw the inmates they deserve anything that happens to them. I'm trying to point out that not everyone in prison is a monster and that there are plenty of innocent people in prison.
                                Are you reading what you are writing? Our prison system is full of innocent people, just ask an inmate, that should clear it up.

                                Don't write rubber checks(who writes checks anymore?) And you won't have legal problems. Seems pretty simple to me. Pay your taxes, and you won't run into legal problems. Don't break the law, and associate with those who do, and it really cuts down in your own personal legal problems. I feel these are pretty understandable concepts.

