That's not true. I've spent more than 5 minutes with you and thought you were ok, but then you get psycho for a minute and attack and call me names so I'm not down with that. Although, I don't hate you-I certainly don't trust you.
although i think you are guilty of things just as bad and you get away with it for being in the popular clique and the most popular female on this board, i dont hate you, i just think you are full of shit sometimes but survive when the average poster without tits or a house to drink at has not.
i dont hate you either leah, and you know in person im a good guy when im on my meds and ive even toned down the drinking at least 50%, but like i said above, if i was to be asked to mod here like i have admin'd other sites including one that MACH1 was on, it would only be because of the hours i am on here and that those hours are usually mod-free and easy to spam on. right now im free and i can post/act how i want. if i was a mod i already know that i would have to change my behavior on this board
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler