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Arlington PD question about insurance
there's also the fact that subsequent tickets for no insurance = automatic suspension of license. So maybe he didn't even have a valid license?HD Parts
I work for APD. General orders states a vehicle should be towed if:
Involved in accidents where the driver failed to maintain financial responsibility; stopped on a traffic violation where the driver failed to maintain financial responsibility; and has PREVIOUS conviction(s) of FMFR, does not possess a valid drivers license; or has any outstanding warrants.
As for being arrested for a FMFR tickets is very unlikely. To go immediate disposition on a FMFR ticket, would have to be approved by Sgt. They will not approve that unless the person is a suspect in some other crime or involved in suspicious activity.
Now as for what likely happened. He was stopped for traffic violation, unable to provided FMFR and had previous conviction(s) therefore the vehicle was towed. Likely since he had previous FMFR convictions, there are Driver license surcharges associated with that. If you don't pay the surcharges, your drivers license becomes suspended. If you are caught driving on a suspended license, it is policy to go immediate disposition on the driver and take them to jail for DWLI (Driving While License Invalid.) So he was likely taken to jail for DWLI.
Ask your friend if that's what happened.
Yes arresting on no proof is unlikely. If u aint got proof, i would write a citiation. The computer program that is used to determine the insurance on a plate is a private firm and NOT state owned. Because of that, i cannot stop a vehicle solely on that. If u had good insurance, then the ticket is dismissable at the court clerk for like ~$10. If you have no proof, and my computer shows no insurance too? Plus no dl? Then u might goto jail. All depends.
As hustleman stated, he probably had several suspensions on his DL for surcharge due, no insur, dwi/intoxication/ALR, etc. So he was prolly canned for DWLI; which is a class B misdemeanor.
Lastly, if anyone would like to ride out and see whats it like on my end; im more then happy to take ya out. Its a good experiance and opens alot of peoples eyes to what its like. PM me if ever interested.
Originally posted by hustleman View PostI work for APD. General orders states a vehicle should be towed if:
Involved in accidents where the driver failed to maintain financial responsibility; stopped on a traffic violation where the driver failed to maintain financial responsibility; and has PREVIOUS conviction(s) of FMFR, does not possess a valid drivers license; or has any outstanding warrants.
As for being arrested for a FMFR tickets is very unlikely. To go immediate disposition on a FMFR ticket, would have to be approved by Sgt. They will not approve that unless the person is a suspect in some other crime or involved in suspicious activity.
Now as for what likely happened. He was stopped for traffic violation, unable to provided FMFR and had previous conviction(s) therefore the vehicle was towed. Likely since he had previous FMFR convictions, there are Driver license surcharges associated with that. If you don't pay the surcharges, your drivers license becomes suspended. If you are caught driving on a suspended license, it is policy to go immediate disposition on the driver and take them to jail for DWLI (Driving While License Invalid.) So he was likely taken to jail for DWLI.
Ask your friend if that's what happened."If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford
Originally posted by Tannerm View PostAPD had a policy of no insurance, vehicle towed. Fail to Maintain Financial Responsibility (citation name for no insurance) is an arrestable offense. I do not work for APD but have fellow officers that are from APD and as far as i gather, it is still in place. Most big cities (i.e. Irving, Dallas) will probably have a policy similar to that. Ill arrest and tow if they also do not have a DL or any form of picture ID, along with no insurance.
Regardless, ur buddy needs to get off his high horse and buy effing insurance... I totally agree with towing/arresting without insurance violators if you have the manpower available. You might think thats rough, but wait till u get hit by one who is without... Like my wife yesterday. O the irony!
I renewed on the 20th of November for a DL that expired 4 months prior and is lost. Since I am deployed it is not a big deal for me but now that I am home on R&R and driving as long as I keep a photo ID with my insurance will they just write me a no DL ticket that I can get dismissed when mine gets here in the mail?
Oh and according to the State, the machine that printed and mailed DLs was on the fritz and the state got behind. I am calling them on Monday to see if it has at least mailed yet. I guess I could also go to the DMV and get them to print the paper copy for me right?Fuck you. We're going to Costco.
Anything I can do to put the officer's mind at ease, such as keeping required proof of insurance in my vehicle, carrying my driver's license/CHL, and above all being polite is the way I choose to avoid the pleasure of arrest and impoundment during a traffic stop. It's really simple and it really works.
Originally posted by The King View PostAnything I can do to put the officer's mind at ease, such as keeping required proof of insurance in my vehicle, carrying my driver's license/CHL, and above all being polite is the way I choose to avoid the pleasure of arrest and impoundment during a traffic stop. It's really simple and it really works.)
Kbcobra; it all depends on officer. Worst to happen is a ticket that is dismissable. "driving without license in possession" or "no DL" would be the citation. I personally would have let ya go with a warning. I hv been at work today for 10 hours so far and aint writing tickets on xmas! I also give the boy n gals n camo a break, long as they dont talk there way into one.
Originally posted by Baron View PostQuestion: if what the state claims is correct, you have a database from insurers that shows when a policy has lapsed. If my card was expired, and I didnt put the new one in my car, what then? Do you automatically tow, because I dont have a card, even though I have coverage?
Originally posted by Tannerm View PostBaron - it is a database that isnt 100% accurate. Ive stopped folks who had current insurance card, but database shows it has lapsed 45+ days ago. It is a good tool, but not bulletproof. Law states you must have and show proof of insurance upon contact. So in my city, and surrounding agencies, that wouldnt merit a tow. Arlington/haltom city/irving/etc maybe. I thought id share what i could.
In the end, I was releace with a ticket, and I got it dismissed. They still wanted a court fee and processing, but I was able to get that waived. How much proof is justified?"If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford
Originally posted by The King View PostAnything I can do to put the officer's mind at ease, such as keeping required proof of insurance in my vehicle, carrying my driver's license/CHL, and above all being polite is the way I choose to avoid the pleasure of arrest and impoundment during a traffic stop. It's really simple and it really works.
Originally posted by Baron View PostThat is an interesting thing to discuss. I got stopped and had a bigtime argument with an officer and this happened, and it ended with 2 supervisors coming to the stop, after about a half hour. The big issue: my card was expired, I was not listed as lapsed, and I pulled the new card up on my laptop, but had no way to print it. I was showing proof, but it wasnt printed on paper.
In the end, I was releace with a ticket, and I got it dismissed. They still wanted a court fee and processing, but I was able to get that waived. How much proof is justified?Sign here please!
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. "
George Orwell
Originally posted by Brandon-k View PostSame here. I know the job the boys in blue do is hard. I always try to have everything ready for the officer, with keys out of the ignition in plain sight on the dash. Straight forward, "Yes Officer, No Officer" responses. I know it sounds elementary and all...but treat people how you want to be treated and good things happen. Like not getting expensive tickets just because you were being a dick.
Originally posted by Treadhead View PostIt is at the discretion of the Officer unless there is a dept policy stating otherwise. Me personally, if the database says it's good I'll give you the benefit of doubt and not write the ticket although I could. But, then again since I know you I would have to write it so there would be no question of impropriety.Sign here please!