Having a discussion with someone who is convinced it is a Police Officers fault that they were arrested and their car impounded because they got caught w/o insurance. This is at LEAST their 2nd no insurance ticket, maybe even as high as FOURTH. I'm trying to pick it apart and make them realize they need to take responsibility for their actions(losing battle probably, I know), and have a question. Does APD have the policy in place that if a driver is caught w/o insurance that the vehicle is automatically towed? Is this even an arrestable offense, or was something else going on? From the info I've gathered, it sounds as if they probably got lippy with the cop, and most of us know that never ends well. TIA.
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Arlington PD question about insurance
just agree with them and be like "yeah man, they've got it in for you... you should just shoot the officer next time"
then you'll never have to have the asinine conversation again
Originally posted by Cooter View Postjust agree with them and be like "yeah man, they've got it in for you... you should just shoot the officer next time"
then you'll never have to have the asinine conversation again
LOL, I'd probably get better results for sure. Sometimes I really want people to understand that their life isn't a mess because everyone else is out to get them; it's because they aren't being responsible.
I know that is Denton PD's policy. I was driving a friends car, could not find his current ins card in the glove box (had an expired one) and couldn't get a hold of him on the phone. Needless to say, I walked the rest of the way to work that day. My fault though...I should have had the proof of ins in my hand before I took the car out.
APD had a policy of no insurance, vehicle towed. Fail to Maintain Financial Responsibility (citation name for no insurance) is an arrestable offense. I do not work for APD but have fellow officers that are from APD and as far as i gather, it is still in place. Most big cities (i.e. Irving, Dallas) will probably have a policy similar to that. Ill arrest and tow if they also do not have a DL or any form of picture ID, along with no insurance.
Regardless, ur buddy needs to get off his high horse and buy effing insurance... I totally agree with towing/arresting without insurance violators if you have the manpower available. You might think thats rough, but wait till u get hit by one who is without... Like my wife yesterday. O the irony!
towing for no insurance is fine... towing for no proof of insurance is bullshit. They can see if you've got insurance or not on their little computer
So the ability for an officer to run the plates and verify that that vehicle is indeed insured is a luxury only some cities have? I won't lie, I have been known to ride around with an expired piece of paper, but I've always been insured, payment is automatically debited from my bank account.
Originally posted by Tannerm View PostAPD had a policy of no insurance, vehicle towed. Fail to Maintain Financial Responsibility (citation name for no insurance) is an arrestable offense. I do not work for APD but have fellow officers that are from APD and as far as i gather, it is still in place. Most big cities (i.e. Irving, Dallas) will probably have a policy similar to that. Ill arrest and tow if they also do not have a DL or any form of picture ID, along with no insurance.
Regardless, ur buddy needs to get off his high horse and buy effing insurance... I totally agree with towing/arresting without insurance violators if you have the manpower available. You might think thats rough, but wait till u get hit by one who is without... Like my wife yesterday. O the irony!
I don't think it is rough at all. I'm just covering all angles and showing them that it was THEIR fault, no matter how they slice it. Taking away excuses one by one is the easiest way to counter an entitlement argument.
Originally posted by davbrucas View PostLOL at Eric getting his nrw car towed and making up a story to ask a question so he doesnt get ridiculed.Dont break the law asshole!
ha! Come on over and I'll take you for a spin in it. Don't have anything else to do today anyway.
Looks like it was a lost cause, as I figured it would be. Some people will never learn.