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What did you get for christmas?

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  • #91
    Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
    I got my wife the HP TouchSmart and she gives me a tool bag. Subtle hint in there somewhere?
    Yes there a subtle hint.. Fix your kitchen so she can keep making you sammiches!


    • #92
      Originally posted by poopnut2 View Post
      I forgot about the Aerosmith coaster. That was pretty fun. The Tower of Terror is fun at times, but out of the three times I did it, it seemed like the first one had more long drops while the other two just had the initial long drop and a couple of short ones. The Everest coaster is the one in the animal kingdom thing, right?
      I went on the Tower of Terror twice and one time was definitely better than the other. Yeah, the Everest coaster is in the animal kingdom. We got there right when the park opened, rode the Everest coaster 3 times, rode a dinosaur ride, and then left. Didn't wait more than 5 minutes for any of the rides.


      • #93
        Originally posted by Shorty View Post
        Spending Christmas with my dad at my parent's house and not in the hospital yesterday was a big gift. He's had a lot of health issues the last couple years and has been in and out of the hospital. There's about a 50% chance this will be our last Christmas with him
        Had one of those years when I was a kid with my grandpa. I wasn't old enough to get it, just thought everyone was gathering for the holidays. I'm thinking I was 13. He was gone 6 months later. If I would have known, I may have operated completely different, but I think him seeing all the kids be kids was what kept him going.

        Fuck....that was 20 years ago


        • #94
          Got a gift certificate to my favorite car shop to use on car. Also got some other cash, a new bowling bag, the raced version of the Wrangler #3 that Jr. won with at Daytona. But over all I think the best present is the Ford Mustang Cuckoo clock.. It rocks.


          • #95
            Originally posted by redfirevert View Post
            Got a gift certificate to my favorite car shop to use on car. Also got some other cash, a new bowling bag, the raced version of the Wrangler #3 that Jr. won with at Daytona. But over all I think the best present is the Ford Mustang Cuckoo clock.. It rocks.

            That is a sweet clock. Congrats!
            "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


            • #96
              Finished up yesterday at the in-laws, got some kitchen cookware, red lobster giftcard, and my Traxxas Stampede XL-5 Electric R/C Truck



              • #97
                Originally posted by helosailor View Post
                That is a sweet clock. Congrats!
                Thanks, now I have to figure out if I can keep it at home or have to take it to the office. The wife is not too keen on having the engine go off every hour.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                  We were able to give our kids a great Christmas.

                  The biggest present was the call I received Thursday evening from our broker. We had a cash offer on our house that has been listed since April, vacant since september, and a massive drain on our family. The offer requires no inspection, appraisal, etc. We received the signed contract Friday morning, which we signed and returned. Paperwork goes to the title company on Monday.
                  That's awesome Sean, congrats man!


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by RuStYpNuS View Post
                    I got a blow job.......

                    the face of a satisfied man
                    Me to , tell the wife thanks , LOL JK . I made out good and enjoyed watching my 2 year old go crazy .
                    Big Rooster Racing


                    • My gf's christmas present is almost too awesome to post. It involves an artist's rendition of Lola driving my neon, I'll have to post a pic in a little bit, LOL.


                      • 6 ratchet straps (2 better then the others, but hey)
                        2 sets of craftsman ratchet wrenches
                        2 sets of craftsman crows feet
                        1/2" flex head ratchet
                        titanium fork, knife and spoon
                        titanium pot set
                        ruck sack
                        multiple gift cards
                        mil issue compass
                        some books
                        car alarm w/ remote start (that I'm taking back, cost too much)
                        2 slick neck ties
                        2 gun cleaning kits
                        a bunch of 9mm and 22LR ammo
                        A gun vise (or a similar version of it)
                        droid x car dock
                        droid x multimedia dock
                        Cuisanart version of a george foreman grill (cool as hell)
                        snap on drop light
                        some wasabi peas
                        bunch of work gloves

                        and some other stuff. I think I did good this year.
                        Originally posted by MR EDD
                        U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                        • Originally posted by 90GT50 View Post
                          My gf's christmas present is almost too awesome to post. It involves an artist's rendition of Lola driving my neon, I'll have to post a pic in a little bit, LOL.
                          Post pick of gf's teats. None of us give a shit about a dog driving a neon.
                          How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


                          • New Website for the off road peeps


                            • Originally posted by UserX View Post
                              That's awesome Sean, congrats man!
                              This was huge for us, we were getting into a bad situation and needed to move it beyond fast. This really hit us out of the blue and I am extremely grateful it happened. This really opens up my ability to find a law school that meets my needs without the worry of a mortgage.


                              • Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                                We were able to give our kids a great Christmas.

                                The biggest present was the call I received Thursday evening from our broker. We had a cash offer on our house that has been listed since April, vacant since september, and a massive drain on our family. The offer requires no inspection, appraisal, etc. We received the signed contract Friday morning, which we signed and returned. Paperwork goes to the title company on Monday.

                                where are yall moving to?
                       New Website for the off road peeps

