it's super lame... no COLD beer may be sold above 3.5%
Go to the liquor store, buy real beer, ice it down, and enjoy.
I will say that when I was up there a lot, OKC had some of the best liquor prices I'd ever seen. 1.75 bricks of Knob Creek for $39, 1.75 Gray Goose for $29, 750 Hussong's Rep $19!
One liquor store owner that I was talking with about prices said that a couple nigs drove down from KC once a month and filled the 8ft bed of a chevy truck with cases of Crown. THEY were bootleggers! LOL
LOL damn... That is one thing about Texas, liquor prices are insane. I was in a grocery store in LA and a 1.75 of Jack was $19.99
"When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler
I know this has degenerated into an OK beer thread, but to Ted - I thought the stuff sold in FL isn't the "real" stuff and not as good. Not that I really cared for it anyhow.