Read any and everything you can about the current US Government Sequestration. If after you have done that and you believe that it is not right for the Government to employ sequestration please let them know by taking less than 5 minutes and send a letter to them!
Panetta, Defense Industry Leaders Meet to Discuss Sequestration
Sequestration predicted to hit states, defense and President Obama if no deal reached
Google results/more reading
Hit the "Take Action" button and in less than 5 minutes you read a summary about it and you can send a letter denouncing it.
I agree the Government needs to cut spending, but not like this. This is their "easy way out", IHMO. The Government officials need to roll up their sleeves and actually WORK to find other places to cut money. Our defense, IMHO, should be paramount! Not the "easy way to fix spending".
I'll say this preemptively, "Damn I wish we had a political forum." Sorry, I just felt like the general population should know about this as it occurs in January! Also, yes, I do have a dog in this fight as I work for a defense contractor out of Ft. Worth. However, I know we have many military folks here and other such contractors. If THEY don't know about this, they SHOULD!
Panetta, Defense Industry Leaders Meet to Discuss Sequestration
Sequestration predicted to hit states, defense and President Obama if no deal reached
Originally posted by Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said on July 17.
Hit the "Take Action" button and in less than 5 minutes you read a summary about it and you can send a letter denouncing it.
I agree the Government needs to cut spending, but not like this. This is their "easy way out", IHMO. The Government officials need to roll up their sleeves and actually WORK to find other places to cut money. Our defense, IMHO, should be paramount! Not the "easy way to fix spending".
I'll say this preemptively, "Damn I wish we had a political forum." Sorry, I just felt like the general population should know about this as it occurs in January! Also, yes, I do have a dog in this fight as I work for a defense contractor out of Ft. Worth. However, I know we have many military folks here and other such contractors. If THEY don't know about this, they SHOULD!