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I'm Spiderman!

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  • I'm Spiderman!

    Been feeling pretty bad since Monday. Dizzy, weak, achy, blurry vision, stiff neck, dry mouth, tingly scalp, headaches. Finally broke down and went to the Urgent Care clinic this afternoon. They didn't even check me in; instead, they told me to go straight to the ER. They ran a ton of tests, and the Cat scan showed a brain abnormality called an Arachnoid Cyst in the back of my head. Apparently it's not usually a big deal, and most people who have this never know because they don't have any symptoms. They are concerned that I do have symptoms, though. I go see the neurosurgeon tomorrow to learn more.

    It's a crazy feeling when they say "We found a brain abnormality". Fuck!

    Anyway, I'm reeling a bit and just felt like posting about it. I know I'll probably be just fine. I'll post updates as I get them, for those who care.

    Meanwhile, I've been trying like crazy to shoot webs out of my wrists. No dice (yet). I think maybe I just need the suit to harness the power.

    And they literally JUST gave me morphine as I was typing this, for my headache. Reminds me of that last words thread, because I could taste it as soon as it went in the tube.

    Probably night night time!

  • #2
    quick! Try and climb a wall!

    Be sure to have someone film it too


    • #3
      Remember when u got your wisdom teeth out and made me pull over on the way home so you could dance? Lmao!

      Best wishes bro.. lmk if ya need anything


      • #4
        Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
        Remember when u got your wisdom teeth out and made me pull over ion the way home so you could dance? Lmao!

        Best wishes bro.. lmk if ya need anything
        Ha! Good times!

        This shit is weak though. Still awake, and still have a headache.

        I need to tell the doc to bust out the good shit.


        • #5
          Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
          Remember when u got your wisdom teeth out and made me pull over on the way home so you could dance? Lmao!

          Best wishes bro.. lmk if ya need anything

          I hope all goes well.
          Keep us posted Jared and if you needed anything don't hesitate to message me.
          Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
          Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


          • #6
            Thanks Brohams!


            • #7
              Originally posted by jluv View Post
              Ha! Good times!

              This shit is weak though. Still awake, and still have a headache.

              I need to tell the doc to bust out the good shit.
              I always get dilaudid (sp). Awesome shit

              & I feel like I have the page of grocery instructions you left me somewhere, that shit was comedic gold.


              • #8
                hope you alright bro. you in my prayers.

                god bless.
                It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


                • #9
                  Damn dude, good luck with your appt. tomorrow, I hope it really is a non-issue.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
                    Remember when u got your wisdom teeth out and made me pull over on the way home so you could dance? Lmao!

                    Best wishes bro.. lmk if ya need anything

                    lmgdao @ the visual.

                    Hope you get it sorted out man. Has a terrible name, at any rate.


                    • #11
                      Damn, fellah. Good vibes heading your way.


                      • #12
                        More good vibes from Benbrook headed your way, Spidey.

                        Keep us posted.


                        • #13
                          According to a woman who swallowed a fly, you send a bird in after the spider. Hope this helps, get well soon.


                          • #14
                            Dibs on any excess morphine, btw.


                            • #15
                              Damn man...hope everything goes well.

                              Side should see Spiderman for free. You were his stunt double

