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Any help greatly appreciated ( for a vet)

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  • #16
    What year Tahoe ? Does he want to sell it ? What all is wrong with it ?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Mark04 View Post
      You get 80% upfront for a DIY move. The other 20% after you submit receipts.
      Must be nice, I footed the entire bill to move to both San Diego, and then Sacramento, and got reimbursed after the fact. This is a pivate company though, not military.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Big A View Post
        Must be nice, I footed the entire bill to move to both San Diego, and then Sacramento, and got reimbursed after the fact. This is a pivate company though, not military.
        Same here. I got papers after I was discharged to send in receipts. As all I had after my divorce was a box of uniforms and a non running 88 T bird, I didn't have any to submit but my understanding is they pay you after you move. Otherwise, they don't know what 80% of what to pay you
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

