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  • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
    Actually, you can infer it by your statements.

    You said that he should have seen the badges and uniforms. Then you popped off about how I'd react to someone pointing a gun at me. And you've gone round and around but haven't said:

    Do you think these idiots who opened fire on a man in his own home should be tried for murder?

    You danced and called it self defense but if I shoot someone in their own home from outside their home because they opened a door with a pistol, I'm going to jail and staying there for a long time.

    Or do you disagree with that analysis?
    An inference and a direct statement are two different things.

    Do you have all the information required to make a legal decision in this case? No. With all that the article stated, no one can make a complete conclusion in this case.

    Do you have a legal right to be on someone's porch with a gun when they open the door? This cannot be compared to a civilian doing the same thing as a LEO doing a job.

    You folks never question the fact that GE, Jimmy, or Luis rarely comment on these threads. I'll tell you why, it's because you guys can't or won't understand the workings of the business and they don't want the same grief that I get.

    I'm not worried, because unlike Alan, Eric, and Henry, I'm not here for a popularity contest. If you don't like someone, tough shit.


    • So much anger. Kim must have started "Partner notification for sexually transmitted diseases" today.


      • Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
        Matt, if you don't stop, take a look in the mirror, and do some serious thinking about your stance on certain issues, I am afraid that one day your arrogance and disdain for civilians and the Constitution are going to get you killed in the line of duty. You have a very serious case of tunnel vision when it comes to the law and law enforcement.
        Man, you don't know how DFWM works. Just ask Adam if you really want an opinion of someone who knows both sides. He will shoot straight with you.


        • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post

          You folks never question the fact that GE, Jimmy, or Luis rarely comment on these threads. I'll tell you why, it's because you guys can't or won't understand the workings of the business and they don't want the same grief that I get.

          How nice of you to speak for them again. Of course it couldn't possibly be because they cringe like the rest of us every time someone pulls your tampon string, could it? Zomg, report them immediately for not following the thin blue line!


          • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
            Depends on if it is murder, or self defense. Kind of like the Zimmerman case.
            Dodging the question? Had they followed protocol this murder wouldn't have happened, but these murderers didn't inform the victim that they were police officers, prior to murdering him, so when he opened the door to see WTF was up, the murderers decided to murder him before sprinkling crack on his newly murdered body.


            • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
              Depends on if it is murder, or self defense. Kind of like the Zimmerman case.
              That's what the trial would be for. They could determine whether it was murder or self defense. So does this mean that you agree that they should be put on trial?
              .223 > 911


              • Originally posted by idrivea4banger View Post

                03trublu once again proves that most cops have that douchebag mentality. You are the type of cop which gives a bad name for the ones who don't deem themselves holier than thou. Go ahead and tell me to commit suicide like you did to Geor.
                You are too damn stupid to reason with. And, if you'd like, I can pull several quotes from Alan, the source I plagiarized it from.


                • Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
                  All of this is true but it isn't rocket science to think that knocking on random doors in the middle of the night is going to result in meeting someone with a gun. The police have a duty to identify themselves when they knock on a door, they didn't. Even in a warrant situation they identify themselves. The blame lies entirely on them and no one else. The guy who answered the door did nothing out of the ordinary.
                  Really? This again proves how little you know.

                  So, it "is going to result in meeting someone with a gun"? I and other officers have done this exact thing hundreds of times and I've NEVER had this happen to me. So you are saying your statement is an absolute truth? Puh-lease...

                  And what about no-knock warrants? They sure as hell don't ID before breaching the door and going in. Once inside, they announce, but in this case, there is nothing to indicate that they made entry before the shooting.

                  The guy answered the door with, and pointed a gun at officers. I'd say that's out of the ordinary.

                  Alan, quit while you are far behind.


                  • Originally posted by SouthernSVT View Post
                    That's what the trial would be for. They could determine whether it was murder or self defense. So does this mean that you agree that they should be put on trial?
                    That's not the way it works.

                    I would go with current policy and refer it to the Grand Jury. The GJ makes that decision. You folks are putting the cart before the horse.


                    • Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                      Dodging the question? Had they followed protocol this murder wouldn't have happened, but these murderers didn't inform the victim that they were police officers, prior to murdering him, so when he opened the door to see WTF was up, the murderers decided to murder him before sprinkling crack on his newly murdered body.

                      So Sean, what is the protocol that you imply that you know?

                      Tell us how this works, please, I'd like to see how much you know as compared to how much you want everyone to think you know....


                      • Originally posted by talisman View Post
                        How nice of you to speak for them again. Of course it couldn't possibly be because they cringe like the rest of us every time someone pulls your tampon string, could it? Zomg, report them immediately for not following the thin blue line!
                        As usual, you have contorted everything.

                        You're such a dipshit. Keep on typing Mr. Lonely.


                        • It is humorous how I can make a few posts on one of these threads and Eric, Alan, and Henry will swallow the bait hook, line and sinker.

                          You guys are easier to drive up than the price of gasoline.


                          • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                            As usual, you have contorted everything.

                            You're such a dipshit. Keep on typing Mr. Lonely.

                            Have I? You apparently know these guys so well, that you are privy to their thoughts on any given subject. Have either of them ever been to your house, or you to theirs? Do you have either of their phone numbers? Have you ever even talked to either of them off this forum?


                            • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                              So Sean, what is the protocol that you imply that you know?

                              Tell us how this works, please, I'd like to see how much you know as compared to how much you want everyone to think you know....
                              I'd say numero uno - FOLLOW THE ACTUAL SUSPECT, that would be a pretty awesome protocol. Next, when knocking on doors, provide proper information as to who you are so you don't have to unjustly murder an innocent man then claim drug paraphernalia to make yourself sleep better.

                              But based on your responses, I would say that cops deflect better than they answer. Bullet proof helmets are made from teflon hairspray!


                              • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                                As usual, you have contorted everything.

                                You're such a dipshit. Keep on typing Mr. Lonely.
                                He didn't contort anything. I have personally witnessed an LEO on this board say you are a fucking idiot. So LMFAO @ you!
                                Originally posted by BradM
                                But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                                Originally posted by Leah
                                In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.

