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  • Originally posted by idrivea4banger View Post
    You must get a hard-on talking down to people. So just because you're a police officer it automatically makes you smarter than everyone else??? I have yet to witness any intelligent posts coming from you.

    And before you say I'm one of the nuthuggers:

    I in no way shape or form hug on Talisman's, Bcoop's and Bronco's nuts. I just enjoy seeing them make a fool out of you.
    You guys are the ones hung up on my 9-5.


    And what is this "talking down"? So it's acceptable for Brent, Eric, Alan, Henry et al to do it but not me? Don't you see the double standard?

    This is another perfect example of you people not being able to separate my professional life from my online life.
    Last edited by 03trubluGT; 07-17-2012, 06:39 PM.


    • Originally posted by bcoop View Post
      Are you going to make thinly veiled threats about kicking my ass and arresting me for exercising my right to free speech again? I didn't ask you a goddamn thing. I know it, and you know it. I'm not a guy that asks people shit. I tell them how it is.

      That's correct. Chris and Drew were there. Chris laughed out loud when I said what I said, which was not a question. You sat across the table and tried to make nice talk after crawfishing like the pathetic little bitch you are, asking what I did for a living, etc.
      If you want your ass kicked, all you have to do is ask.

      If you think for one second that I'm intimidated by the biggest feature on your body, your mouth, then you're sadly mistaken.

      All you do is talk shit. You couldn't back it up to save your life. Yea, Chris laughed, because he knew you were a little punk. You have the rest of your life to live with that yellow streak. I'm glad you are comfortable with it.


      • Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
        Bit of a rhetorical question..

        And that's the best you have? I'd think violating the law, your oath, and people's civil rights would allow you to come up with a better insult.
        I can, but I save my best work for in person.


        • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
          Legal action. Like shooting pets in their yards, cutting through doors with chainsaws when you have the wrong house and...oh wait, shooting someone who is in their own house and you have no reason to believe they have broken a law?


          That's the point, for the most part, these cops aren't held accountable. IT's covered up, dismissed, people die, property is destroyed, pets are killed and the cops and city say "Nope, nothing wrong." Tell me what punishment is metted out. How often are cops put in prison for shooting someone in their own homes? How many times are cops jailed for shooting pets that are in their own yards? How many times do cops dump entire magazines without regard to where that bullet goes with nothing happening?

          Now, what would happen if I did all of those things?
          The best chance I have for you to understand the answers to your questions is a sit down face-to-face.


          • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
            Hell, I wasn't even allowed to do those things in Iraq. Anytime our weapon fired we had to pay some family, if we destroyed a door, we had to pay to build it better. If we opened fire in a house, we paid the family. Cops? Do what they want.
            Really? The government garnished your checks?

            Post up a copy of your leave and earnings statement that supports this. I'd LOVE to see it.


            • I just can't stop shaking my head at the cop in this thread. I'm speechless


              • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                I can, but I save my best work for in person.

                Wow, I bet that thing is a veritable Library of Congress with all the opportunities you've intentionally passed on...


                • Originally posted by matts5.0 View Post
                  Who do you think was in the wrong in this circumstance? Should the police the police be held responsible for negligence?

                  Could it have been done better? Sure.

                  Let's pretend that Matts5.0 is an officer looking for someone that just committed attempted murder. You are going door to door to try to find the suspect and someone answers the door with a gun pointed at you. You have less than a second to analyze the situation and react.

                  Do you protect your own life, or do you get killed in hesitation?


                  • Originally posted by talisman View Post
                    Wow, I bet that thing is a veritable Library of Congress with all the opportunities you've intentionally passed on...
                    You'll never know since you cower behind the keyboard and let real people live lives of substance.


                    • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                      You'll never know since you cower behind the keyboard and let real people live lives of substance.

                      I quite regularly post where I'm at or will be at. You can take the number of GTGs you've been to and multiply it by 100 and that is how many I have been to. Keep on cowering behind your badge though. One day it's going to tip over and squash your dumb ass.


                      • Originally posted by TEAMJACOB View Post
                        its just sooooo damn annoying. everybody gets it. you come in here to prove a point that we really don't know all the facts, which in my personal opinion, is a valid point. then you have someone, or possibly many, attempting to point out that you only side with the leos and that they are not held to the same level of accountablilty as civilians.(also a valid point). are there stories written that are slanted to make the leo's look worse and could infact be an entirely different situation with all the facts present? yes. are some stories blantant examples of the misuse of power of leo's or illustrations of leos not be held accountable? you betcha. next subject.
                        What's this?


                        • Originally posted by talisman View Post
                          I quite regularly post where I'm at or will be at. You can take the number of GTGs you've been to and multiply it by 100 and that is how many I have been to. Keep on cowering behind your badge though. One day it's going to tip over and squash your dumb ass.

                          Good for you, Eric. Here's your cookie....

                          It just goes to show being single with no attachments gives you flexibility.


                          • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                            Good for you, Eric. Here's your cookie....

                            It just goes to show being single with no attachments gives you flexibility.

                            LOL, "I know you're right, so what!" And who says I don't have any attachments?


                            • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                              Good for you, Eric. Here's your cookie....

                              It just goes to show being single with no attachments gives you flexibility.
                              Would you defend the Leo's just the same if that person they killed had been a member of your family?


                              • Originally posted by Mike View Post
                                Would you defend the Leo's just the same if that person they killed had been a member of your family?
                                How about this Leo? Would you defend him?

