My pup, Molly, is half German Shepherd, half Black Lab (mother was full blood GS, father was full black lab). I've had her since she was about 12 weeks old and still cannot get over just how smart she is! Even today, she tricked me into going outside in the backyard to see what she was barking at. (She was barking at our flowerbed, thought maybe she had found the frog again). Once I got out the door and shut it behind me, she quit barking and dropped her tennis ball at my feet. She outsmarts me WAY too often.
The pups in the OP's pic look like they will be great, well-mannered dogs. While they may be hyper now, they will calm down. Just keep them busy or they will tear shit up out of shear boredom. I learned that one the hard way. I can almost guarantee that they will be great with kids. Molly herds my nephews away from the stairs and makes sure they stay in sight. She will very gently take them by the wrist if they venture too far away. She also knows just how rough she can be with each kid. She is pretty rough with my oldest brother's youngest son, but very gentle with my other brother's youngest son.
Here she is the day I brought her home last August.
Here is the most recent pic I have of her. She weighed 72 lbs at her one year checkup on May 8.
Originally posted by sc281
Always better to be an Uncle than a Father. All the fun stuff and none of the expensive stuff.
Originally posted by Trick Pony
...from what I've seen on here bcoop knows his shit when it comes to smoking meat.
Haha! We have a lab/shepherd mix named Molly, too! She is the best dog I've ever had. She's super smart and great with kids, like yours, knowing each person's tolerance and level at which she can be rough. LOVE this dog!
Her (and our dumber, yellow version) in Colorado this year. Once we put her coat on at night, she acted like it was her duty to watch over and walk the perimeter of the campsite. lol
Sorry about being out of touch. There are still 4 available though, if you are interested PM me and I'll set you up. My aunt works with a rescue and she is the point of contact.
The puppies are $225 each and will be fully vetted when you pick them up.