I was driving south on 820 just passed Trinity blvd and saw this right in the middle of the left lane.

So... I had a second to react. Either Swerve to the right and hit and probably kill the biker that was next to me who wasn't wearing any gear. Or hit the rock... so I chose the lesser of two evils and hit the mother fucker. (The rock not the biker even though the biker looked like a chode.)
So this happened below which kinda scared me because I had my windows rolled up and smoke was everywhere. Not going to lie was a little scared. I was following a co worker to his house to then drop him off at the airport. He said I went airborne a good couple inches... lulz. This is the result of this little faggot rock.

Hopefully I can get my company to help pay for my deductible because I tried to take the company van but it the battery was dead and was trying to get to the airport quickly.

So... I had a second to react. Either Swerve to the right and hit and probably kill the biker that was next to me who wasn't wearing any gear. Or hit the rock... so I chose the lesser of two evils and hit the mother fucker. (The rock not the biker even though the biker looked like a chode.)
So this happened below which kinda scared me because I had my windows rolled up and smoke was everywhere. Not going to lie was a little scared. I was following a co worker to his house to then drop him off at the airport. He said I went airborne a good couple inches... lulz. This is the result of this little faggot rock.

Hopefully I can get my company to help pay for my deductible because I tried to take the company van but it the battery was dead and was trying to get to the airport quickly.