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RIP Sheriff Taylor.

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  • #16
    My wife always asks me this question when someone of advanced age dies..

    M: "Andy Griffith died today. He was 86"
    H: "OMG! What did he die of?"
    M: "He died of being on this Earth for 86 years!"
    H: thinking she's sly "Well 86 years wasn't enough for George Burns to die from"
    M: "Nope, but it was enough for Andy Griffith apparently"


    • #17
      That sucks. I used to wake up before school and watch his show. Goes back to a time that was truly simpler and more innocent.


      • #18
        Wow, died this morning and already buried on his family farm. That was fast.


        • #19
          Originally posted by BradM View Post
          The Andy Griffith show is one of the best tv shows ever.
          Yes. I love that show and the wonderful lessons in each one.


          • #20
            Andy: Now lookey heah! We better talk about this thing. Now, now, now look here, Opie, you-huh-you can't give a little bitty piddlin' amount like three cents to a worthy cause like the underprivileged children's drive. I, I 'as readin' here just the other day where there's somewhere like four-hundred needy boys in this county alone, or, or, or one-and-a-half boys per square mile.
            Opie: There is?
            Andy: There sure is.
            Opie: I never seen one, paw.
            Andy: Never seen one what?
            Opie: A half-boy.
            Andy: Well it's not really a half a boy, i - it's a ratio.
            Opie: Horatio who?
            Andy: Not Horatio - a ratio. It's mathematics, 'rithmatic. Look, now Opie, just forget that part of it. Forget the part about the half-a-boy.
            Opie: It's pretty hard to forget a thing like that, paw.
            Andy: Well, try!
            Opie: Poor Horatio.

