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Gen Y less interested in driving

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  • Gen Y less interested in driving

    Wow @ the bolded parts. From the moment I was about 13 all I thought about was getting my license on my 16th birthday and the freedom that would come with it. It was the most important moment of my life up until that point.

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - To Shoshana Gurian-Sherman, driving seemed like a huge hassle.

    "Part of it was laziness," the 23-year-old Minneapolis resident recalled. "I didn't really want to put in the effort to learn how to drive ... I knew how to ride the buses, so it was not necessary.

    "And the other thing was, it was just scary, the idea of being in charge of a vehicle that potentially could kill me or other people," Gurian-Sherman said.
    She eventually got her license at 18, two years later than she could have, after her parents threatened not to pay for college if she did not learn to drive, a skill they considered to be important.

    In her reluctance to drive or own a car, Gurian-Sherman is typical of a certain segment of Generation Y, the coveted marketing demographic encompassing the 80 million U.S. residents between the ages of 16 and 34.
    Bigger than the post-World War Two baby-boom generation but without the middle-class expansion that drove the earlier group's consumer habits, Generation Y includes an increasing number of people for whom driving is less an American rite of passage than an unnecessary chore.

    "That moment of realizing that you're a grown-up - for my generation, that was when you got your driver's license or car," said Tony Dudzik, a senior policy analyst of the Frontier Group, a California-based think tank that has studied this phenomenon. "For young people now, that moment comes when you get your first cellphone."

    U.S. residents started driving less around the turn of the 21st century, and young people have propelled this trend, according to the federal government's National Household Travel Survey.

    From 2001 to 2009, the average annual number of vehicle-miles traveled by people ages 16-34 dropped 23 percent, from 10,300 to 7,900, the survey found. Gen Y-ers, also known as Millennials, tend to ride bicycles, take public transit and rely on virtual media.

    More than a quarter of Millennials - 26 percent - lacked a driver's license in 2010, up 5 percentage points from 2000, the Federal Highway Administration reported.

    At the same time, older people are driving more, researchers at the University of Michigan found. In 2008, those age 70 and older made up the largest group of drivers on the road, more than 10 percent, which was slightly higher than those in their 40s or 50s.

    The Michigan researchers offered a few reasons why some younger drivers hesitate to get behind the wheel: the high cost of owning, fueling and maintaining a car and the convenience of electronic communication.
    The Frontier Group's Dudzik suggested a related cause: computer and smartphone applications that make taking public transportation easier, with minute-by-minute tracking of buses and trains and simple online maps and travel directions.

    Whether Gen Y-ers will eventually drive more than they do now will affect transportation infrastructure costs, Dudzik said.

    Bikes and car-sharing services make it easier to avoid the expense of owning a fossil-fueled vehicle. Environmental concerns are another reason, said David Jacobs of the Tombras Group, a marketing firm based in Knoxville, Tennessee.

    "It's not the main reason, but it is a compelling reason," Jacobs said.
    More central is the group's general anxiety over finances and the economy, he said.

    "They're shouldering higher mortgage costs, rent; their insurance costs are higher than previous generation's," Jacobs said. "And all that's happening after a couple of recessions, so they've really never, as young adults, seen a very healthy, stable economy. They're worried about a lot of things."

    To sell cars or anything else to Generation Y, he said, "you have to talk to them at their level and make them interested and show them you are a valuable, reputable company with a quality product and you do care about the environment, the economy."

    That fits with Gurian-Sherman's thoughts on the environment in her decision not to own a car: "I don't know if I consider myself an environmentalist, but I care about the impact that I have."

  • #2
    articles mostly for people in big cities it has no affect on people in texas.


    • #3
      I wish I didn't have to drive either, its a HUGE waste of time.


      • #4
        Originally posted by 03mustangdude View Post
        articles mostly for people in big cities it has no affect on people in texas.
        I know a few people in DFW that are in their late teens to mid 20's that haven't ever had a license.


        • #5
          I was driving at 13. We went camping a lot and that put us in the middle of no where so my dad would let me drive. It's just the way my family has always been he'll my grandfather is retired GM assembly line so I have been around classics my whole life he always had something from the 50s or 60s he was working on.


          • #6
            Same with bars, at 21, I would be shocked to see anyone north of 30 at a bar. Seems like my generation is still down for going out and seeing the younger kids is a rarity.


            • #7
              If perfected the transporter I'd probably strop driving but until then I like to go out and explore this amazing country of ours. That means riding and driving and not being at the mercy of an airline or bus schedule.

              I dated a chick for a while. Never owned a car and didn't have plans to get one (grew up in Wash. DC area and went though HS here in Texas and currently in college. She's 21 and still doesn't have a car. It's one of the big reasons why I stopped seeing her.
              2004 Suzuki DL650
              1996 Hy-Tek Hurricane 103


              • #8
                Originally posted by 03mustangdude View Post
                articles mostly for people in big cities it has no affect on people in texas.
                My niece has zero interest in driving anywhere and she is 20. She grew up in Michigan and came down here at around 16, living in Waxahachie. I thought it was just her but I guess not.
                Whos your Daddy?


                • #9
                  Fuck all that. I wanted wheels as soon as possible.

                  A girl I knew from Dallas did not get a car until she was 26.

                  They also have no intrest in learning to drive manuals. My wife refuses to learn.


                  • #10
                    They are mostly to overweight to fit in the back seat anyway. No way, I was going to miss getting my drivers license!!!
                    Last edited by 1carcrazyguy; 07-01-2012, 06:47 PM. Reason: because


                    • #11
                      I have yet to hear about a guy feeling the same way.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 1carcrazyguy View Post
                        They are mostly to overweight to fit in the back seat anyway. No way, I was going to miss drivers license!!!
                        She weighs about 90 lbs.
                        Whos your Daddy?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Sleeper View Post
                          Fuck all that. I wanted wheels as soon as possible.

                          A girl I knew from Dallas did not get a car until she was 26.

                          They also have no intrest in learning to drive manuals. My wife refuses to learn.
                          Same with my wife.
                          I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

                          Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


                          • #14
                            If DFW had a better public trans system, I would significantly cut down on my diving.


                            • #15
                              To add to that...anyone under 20 know how to drive a stick? I had a guy come over to by some parts and we started talking about track days and what-not. He said he had two kids, 17 & 20, and they were both into cars and wanted to do track-days & drive fast. I told him I could get them into a spec Miata for a weekend for cheap. "Is that a stick?" Yep! "Oh well neither one knows how to drive a stick and doesn't want to learn". This is coming from a guy that drives a Viper. Could you imagine, your Dad has a Viper, and you have never even driven it because you don't want to drive a stick-shift?

