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Back to real estate agents ..

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  • Back to real estate agents ..

    I can sure pick'em

    Listed my house / shop / acreage 1st week of Feb

    No offers , its west of Denton about 12 miles

    The agent I allowed to list my property was a problem really from day 1

    Not 1 offer, had about .. 7 showings if I am being told correct

    (I had no idea the market was that poor ?)

    Everyone told me to drop the agent , I thought I'd just see if anything improved

    dropped the price $8500 June 5th because was told we would get action


    Everytime I would contact them , it would result in being yelled at over the phone .

    The contract ended 5-31-12, kept getting baited along with potential prospects ..Nothing

    so, today I called said I was going to try something else

    And, the call went well ??

    3 hours later, I get a call and get yelled at again, told that either pay them $300 for all the effort they put forth(lol) or they were not going to end the MLS and hung up on me .

    Would not accept calls from any of the 3 choices I had for phones ..

    Get a text, telling me to stop calling

    Wow, just wow .. real pro

  • #2
    Who's the agent?

    Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
    2015 F250 Platinum


    • #3
      Report them to the real estate commission. You need to notify them in writing that they no longer have the listing. They will cry, threaten, piss and moan, do anything to get you to pay them money.

      A vast majority of residential real estate agents are completely worthless fucks who don't want to do any work.
      Originally posted by racrguy
      What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
      Originally posted by racrguy
      Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


      • #4
        Originally posted by fordracing19 View Post
        Who's the agent?

        Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2

        Suppose I best keep it quiet until it resolves itself or , who knows I'll get some slander BS


        • #5
          File a small claims suit and I bet their tune would change with a quickness...

          That is some total bullshit. I'd report them to whatever commission regulates them as well.

          Is his name Chuck, by chance??


          • #6
            Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
            Report them to the real estate commission. You need to notify them in writing that they no longer have the listing. They will cry, threaten, piss and moan, do anything to get you to pay them money.

            A vast majority of residential real estate agents are completely worthless fucks who don't want to do any work.

            I am shocked at just how little they did to try to sell it , when I suggested a few ideas, just screamed at me .

            1st meeting was great, paperwork signed and the back-peddle started 5 minutes later

            I was from that point thinking I made a critical mistake


            • #7
              Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
              File a small claims suit and I bet their tune would change with a quickness...

              That is some total bullshit. I'd report them to whatever commission regulates them as well.

              Is his name Chuck, by chance??
              Is chucks number 214-269-8785 ??


              • #8
                Originally posted by Big Dad View Post
                Is chucks number 214-269-8785 ??
                Your agent is a rep for Avon?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Big Dad View Post
                  Is chucks number 214-269-8785 ??
                  Wait... that's Nate!!!


                  • #10

                    You're welcome


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Not Mike View Post

                      Ha,ha .. yeah, I'll talk the supervisor tomorrow ( of course, today they won't answer the phone), did get a "private caller" number then a hangup when I called them


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Big Dad View Post
                        Ha,ha .. yeah, I'll talk the supervisor tomorrow ( of course, today they won't answer the phone), did get a "private caller" number then a hangup when I called them
                        Have you seen the comments on that phone number?
                        Pretty sure they are just straight up scammers.


                        • #13
                          I'd report them as well! That's just nuts to think that an agent would actually act that way. I'd say you were making that up but I've heard of similar stories about the other agents my wife has had to deal with(she's a Remax agent) wouldn't think anyone would get that kind of "professional" treatment.

                          The real estate commision (I think that's the governing body) doesn't take that too lightly.


                          • #14
                            No, its the cell number for the agent

                            I doubt very much they are smart enough to google search and find this but, if they did I'll choose my words carefully..

                            I hope I'm able to get them to cancel without a battle


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by GeorgeG. View Post
                              I'd report them as well! That's just nuts to think that an agent would actually act that way. I'd say you were making that up but I've heard of similar stories about the other agents my wife has had to deal with(she's a Remax agent) wouldn't think anyone would get that kind of "professional" treatment.

                              I wish it wasn't true, sadly it is ..

                              Many of the calls made me roll my eyes but, this one

                              And then hangs up ? and then the text ?

                              Good lord

