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Hardest people to buy christmas gifts for?

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  • #31
    my mil...I still don't know what to get her. Last year we built her an octagon picnic table out of she has a place at her lake house to eat outside.....get where I am going?

    She gets what she wants when she wants it....and really never needs anything. What in the world do you get a woman like that?? Ugh.


    • #32
      Originally posted by clevelandkid View Post
      While I agree with you that jewelry in general has no function or real value - you should not be shopping for what you consider to be a good gift. You should be shopping for what she considers to be a good gift.

      Buy her some ice, and enjoy your hummer.
      That's kind of what I was thinking...

      Are you two married? If not,she's trying to hint around without being bluntly honest,btw.

      -The hardest person to buy for in my family.. most likely my grandparents, people with as much money as they have, most likely have everything they want.


      • #33
        I have to say my 84yo grandfather!! I mean how many more shirts or pants or even shoes can you buy that man?? I mean it seems as though he has everything!


        • #34
          Me. I ask for socks and other useful items and no one believes that is what I want (except my mom finally caved and bought me some undershirts this year).

