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Wife wants to go to school.... Questions??

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  • Wife wants to go to school.... Questions??

    My wife and I have been married 12 years now. We are both 32/33 years old and have 2 children. Because we started our family so young, she missed out on going to school and really having a real "career". She has been lucky and had decent jobs over the years, in fact she is currently a manager at the Stockyards in ft. worth. but its not great pay and its her dream to go to school and become something..

    that being said, she is wanting to get into school and start something ASAP. We are wanting something where she can go to school for 1-2 years and come out making around $50-$60k a year.

    Have been looking online at different options and came up with a Dental Hygienist. Looks like she could go to TCC for 2 years and get certified. Only problem is class spaces are limited and if she is not selected, we would have to wait an entire year to try again. Time isnt really on our side if she cant get in the first year or so...

    Other option we found is a respiratory therapist. Schooling seems about the same and salary about the same. However, same deal... limited class space and may not get selected.

    That being said, any of you know or have friends/family in similar situation? Ideally in a perfect world, we would like something where should could do some of the classwork online, schooling only 1-2 years, easy to get accepted/enroll and come out making $50-60k salary

    any ideas?? thanks ahead of time

  • #2
    Chooo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ chooooo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Originally posted by davbrucas
    I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

    Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

    You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


    • #3
      Certified CPA.


      • #4
        You are going about this the wrong way. Your wife needs to figure out what she wants to do instead of it being money based. She not be happy if she went to school, got a job in her profession and ended up not liking it. BTW Dental Hygienists are a dime a dozen. Hugely competitive.
        Originally posted by mustangguy289 View Post
        Certified CPA.
        So you mean Certified Public Accountant CPA???


        • #5
          Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
          So you mean Certified Public Accountant CPA???
          No, He means a Certified certified public accountant.


          • #6
            You can bang out an AA at TCC for around 5-6 grand including books. Online classes make it fairly easy. But I agree that going into something solely based on money is a bad idea right off the bat. Sometimes in college you discover something that really interests you that you never realized. I'd be careful with they way you're both approaching this though.


            • #7
              Well we arent wanting her to go for money reasons alone. Like I said, its her dream to graduate and go to school and "become something"... we have discussed the whole idea of this will be your career for the rest of your life, so you better like it thing... That is why we are looking for ideas and trying to decide. She is a huge people person and also loves kids. Threw around the idea of a teacher, but alot of people say thats not a great career move right now.

              But if we are going to pay for school and dedicate 2 years of our lives, we would like for it to pay well

              btw, what does "AA" stand for?


              • #8
                My girl took all the necessary courses to get into the dental hygienist program at TCC, made straight As, and still did not get selected. The year before it was the exact same thing with the rad tech program. It's a fucking crock. The career counselors (at the Northeast campus) were absolutely no help. They finally told her she would have a better shot if she already had experience working in a dentist's office as an admin or entry level assistant, but that doesn't pay shit. Now she's decided to be a teacher instead.

                She works her ass off to juggle work and school. I could never see myself doing that, but props to your wife for wanting to achieve something new.


                • #9
                  <solid barg>Wife just completed her bachelors graduating Summa Cum Laude while working full time. I think I'll keep her.</solid barg>


                  • #10
                    AA is an Associate of the Arts degree.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by jluv View Post
                      My girl took all the necessary courses to get into the dental hygienist program at TCC, made straight As, and still did not get selected. The year before it was the exact same thing with the rad tech program. It's a fucking crock. The career counselors (at the Northeast campus) were absolutely no help. They finally told her she would have a better shot if she already had experience working in a dentist's office as an admin or entry level assistant, but that doesn't pay shit. Now she's decided to be a teacher instead.

                      She works her ass off to juggle work and school. I could never see myself doing that, but props to your wife for wanting to achieve something new.
                      this is what we are afraid of... any advice for helping get selected? Getting in at a dental office with experience would help I guess? Do you know how many people are selected each time, and how many apply?


                      • #12
                        Imagine how horrible it might be to work in a dental facilty like Monarch before choosing the dental hygienist career path.


                        • #13
                          Sounds like you should hit her and tell her to go study a cookbook in the kitchen.

                          Originally posted by SSMAN
                          ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 00bolt View Post
                            this is what we are afraid of... any advice for helping get selected? Getting in at a dental office with experience would help I guess? Do you know how many people are selected each time, and how many apply?

                            I doubt any college is going to freely give out those statistics.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mustangguy289 View Post
                              Certified CPA.
                     takes 150 credited college hours to sit for the exam to get your CPA plus you have work under a CPA for 1 year. A CPA would laff at $50-60k a year unless they were straight out of college trying for Big 4 experience.

                              With kids, Big 4 work doesn't lend itself to a happy home life and is a joke in itself.

                              Nursing is the only thing I can think of that would allow 1-2 years of school and make somewhere close to that with no experience, maybe.

