Every morning I stop at 7-11 to grab a water, Red Bull and protein drink. As I pull up yesterday morning I see a gentleman with a flat top haircut, a Hitlerstache and some kind of moto shirt through the double doors. I think to myself "this guy HAS to be a cop because he's too fat to be in the service.” As I get to the entrance of the 7-11, the gentleman is walking out, like a polite young man that I am, I hold the door open for him. He rudely walks through the door, that is being held open by myself and doesn’t say a damn word. So, in a not so quiet tone I say "YOU'RE WELCOME!" He turns around and quickly states "I'm a Frisco Police Officer", and then I reply with "That gives you the right to be an impolite asshole?" With a loss of words he turns around and walks off. I just can't believe the power trip some of Cops get on at times. Don't get me wrong, I've met some real professional policemen in my day but some need a reality check, or a right hook.
And don't even get me started on establishments that offer a police discount but no military discount.
And don't even get me started on establishments that offer a police discount but no military discount.