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three FTP threads in 3 minutes?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Magnus View Post
    Someone is a fucking hero for pulling someone from a burning car, or removing someone from a burning house when their salary is in the 40k range.

    Fuck "they're doing their job", they're a god damn hero.
    Yes, firefighters are heros. I agree with that. What does this have to do with a FTP thread though? Regular citizens pull as many people out of burning houses/cars as police do, and they aren't getting paid for it at all.

    Originally posted by mustang_revival View Post
    If our tax dollars went to paying McDonalds employee's, I think we would see the exact same amount of FTME threads.
    I would love to join in on a few FTME threads. My God why don't we have any FTME threads?!!?!
    .223 > 911


    • #47
      Originally posted by SouthernSVT View Post
      I would love to join in on a few FTME threads. My God why don't we have any FTME threads?!!?!
      Mcdonalds has no control over your life, and you can choose to opt out of any services they offer. The same cannot be said for Police.

      "Crime" has turned into big money, and as long as the assfucks at the top of the chain keep getting big pats on the back for promoting checkpoints, $300 speeding tickets, $200 seatbelt tickets, etc, then very few people will respect "law enforcement". The obvious and additional fact that %40 of the people wearing badges probably shouldn't be, for one reason or another, and you've obviously got the potential for a pissed off bunch of tax payers.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Magnus View Post
        First ones to bitch about the police, and also the first to call them when they need them.
        As cute as that trite little bit of wisdom sounds, I'd say that you're 100% wrong.


        • #49


          • #50
            Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
            Oh boy. And how many times do you see doctors defending other doctors who are negligent in what they do?

            No idea how this relates because most of the time this happens you never see them interviewing fifty people afterwards. It's a story on the news, the hospital pays, and no more from it. Also there are plenty of fucked up doctors still out there in practice.

            I work for a private equity fund, do you see me defending the actions of Madoff?

            And Madoff didn't kill anyone.

            How do you know that no one jumped off of a bridge over his actions? Also how would you even attempt to defend him?

            Yet any criticism of the police and some of the bullshit they do gets a defense from mouth breathing morons who think their profession is under attack and take every criticism personally. The guys who just can't take the uniform off and live, eat and breathe police work are the problem, not only when it comes to their actions but also on this board and in other venues where criticism may be aired.

            Here is a fantastic example that has happened many times. Post an article about a man punching a woman in the face on this board and watch what reaction you get. Then put a badge on that man and see what kind of excuses you get for what was indefensible just moments before. Small minds are easily swayed.
            You have never heard me defend a police officer that has pulled some really stupid shit. I believe they should be fried just like anyone else. Now there are some instances where the news story is sketchy and the event could have went seven different ways then stated. Sometimes I will post scenarios were what a officer did MIGHT be acceptable. I have never seen any need to punch any one in the face over the course of my career. Actually I have never pepper sprayed or tased anyone either. When I go home every day I am off and do not eat and sleep the job. I would actually discourage most people from getting into this profession as it is not as it appears on TV and there are people out there that hate and want to kill you no matter how well you do your job and carry yourself. There are just some things with this job people will never understand, and then there are other times where cops just do stupid shit. Hell I figure most of the time you fine gentlemen are wanting to here the other view on the subject but maybe I am wrong.
            Whos your Daddy?


            • #51
              Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View Post
              Mcdonalds has no control over your life, and you can choose to opt out of any services they offer. The same cannot be said for Police.

              "Crime" has turned into big money, and as long as the assfucks at the top of the chain keep getting big pats on the back for promoting checkpoints, $300 speeding tickets, $200 seatbelt tickets, etc, then very few people will respect "law enforcement". The obvious and additional fact that %40 of the people wearing badges probably shouldn't be, for one reason or another, and you've obviously got the potential for a pissed off bunch of tax payers.
              You must have never had food poisoning and they are the only place to eat going to Kansas and back.
              Whos your Daddy?


              • #52
                Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                You must have never had food poisoning and they are the only place to eat going to Kansas and back.
                You also chose to go to Kansas.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by helosailor View Post
                  Tanner, if you can figure that one out, I'll buy you a dozen Krispy Kremes, with the sprinkles like you like.
                  I GOT IT, I GOT IT! Fuck only Tanner M. of the Colleyville Police Department! I like Rasberry filled with chocolate sprinkles! Sorry Tanner. lmao.


                  • #54
                    ^^^ Lol fuk u! I get one of them donuts...


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by ThreeFingerPete View Post
                      You also chose to go to Kansas.
                      I chose to pick up a M715 and drive home. 23 hours of my life I will never get back.
                      Whos your Daddy?


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Tannerm View Post
                        FTP stuff is getting old. Usually just ignore it. I know from being in this profession and know that 90% of the ofcrs i know/met are good guys who don't abuse there powers like the big bad DFWM extremist put it. But dayum! Yes we all get it. U find the few guys a week out of 800k cops in the us. Woopdeedoo!!! Geesh, simmer down nah! I appreciate the rest of u who respect the profession for what it is and understand that we are good peeps. By gum I know I respect urs regardless of what it is. Carry on!
                        I just ignore all the FTP threads. I know there are "bad" officers out there and I know I'm not one of them.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
                          There is NOT a profession out there that everyone performs perfectly. When humans are involved, decisions will be made incorrectly.
                          How many doctors screw up and get sued ? We only hear about the really bad ones where they cut off the wrong limb, or molest a bunch of kids in your chiropractic office.
                          How many drunk TV reporters get arrested for DWI.
                          How many attorneys are disbarred for the crap they do?
                          Don't even ask about the dishonest people in the car business. Hell its so bad we EXPECT to get screwed.
                          Cops are on video and scrutinized their whole shift, so when they eff up, it's all there for us to see. An act of omission or failed training is one thing. A criminal act is another and no one should tolerate that.
                          Post all the FTP threads you want. Thankfully there are thousands of great cops on the beat that don't do stupid shit and keep the wolves at bay from the sheeple.
                          Frost, thanks for your service. I am sorry what you had to deal with has caused you issues. I can only hope you'll find peace and enjoy your days and that stuff like this will not distract you from that enjoyment.
                          I appreciate it. It doesn't distract me. When I come across these instances I let people know. This shouldn't happen. And when it does, those who are given the authority should be hammered into the ground to prevent anyone else from doing it.
                          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by FastFord19 View Post
                            I just ignore all the FTP threads. I know there are "bad" officers out there and I know I'm not one of them.
                            Agreed. I see em pop up, see the same few guys armchairing it and move on.

