Originally posted by hotrod66stang
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Austin, Tx
all of my mexican friends make fun of mexicans
I've started making fun of mexicans in front of mexicans, and mexicans think it's hysterical
good times
Originally posted by grove rat View Posti know if i move to austin, i'll be living on the east side of 35!
Enjoy Austin; live in Elgin
That is a normal bumper sticker here but is changing. Homeless in downtown Austin is a problem being a real liberal town/City Counsel. Along the river there are even restraunts and bars where dogs (Canine variety) are allowed in. Lot of new construction going on here and some large festival or event every other month so it seems. Depneds what your background is or what you want to be. Lots of music, Art (The displays frosm elementry schools are normally better than what is on 6th street), movie production (26 going on now), F1 Formula Racing (November 16th), SXSW, Gaming, Software, Media companies are a major employer. Lots of water and rivers when not in a drought. Lots of buildings and hotels going up. New "University" for alternative energy. Downtown apartments about $3,600 to $10,000 a month for very good class type. You can come here and take a tour in a Sedgeway or a "Duck" type of bus that floats.