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12 things women do better than men (and my response)

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  • 12 things women do better than men (and my response)

    Saw this on Yahoo and replied. Waiting for the hate mail.

    Over at Cosmo, we love men. But we kept coming across tons of studies proving women have some amazing abilities that men lack. So, we rounded up some of our favorites. Hello, ego boost!By Christie Griffin1. We're cleaner.A study from San Diego State University of offices across the U.S. found that men's desks and offices are germier than women's. Researchers discovered that men had anywhere from 10 to 20 percent more bacteria in their workspaces than women-and scientists say it's because they tend to be less hygenic. Ick.2. We interview better. ...

    Over at Cosmo, we love men. But we kept coming across tons of studies proving women have some amazing abilities that men lack. So, we rounded up some of our favorites. Hello, ego boost!

    By Christie Griffin

    1. We're cleaner.
    A study from San Diego State University of offices across the U.S. found that men's desks and offices are germier than women's. Researchers discovered that men had anywhere from 10 to 20 percent more bacteria in their workspaces than women-and scientists say it's because they tend to be less hygenic. Ick.

    2. We interview better.
    A new study out of the University of Western Ontario found that women are better at handling the stress of a job interview. Researchers found that, while women get more freaked beforehand about interviewing, we do better in the actual event. Why? We prepare more before the big moment.

    3. We evolve hotter.
    A recent study revealed that women are getting better looking through evolution; meanwhile, men are staying the same. After following more than 2,000 people through four decades of life, the study showed that attractive women had 16 percent more children than average-looking chicks and that beautiful people are 36 percent more likely to have a daughter as their firstborn. All those gorgeous daughters mean more beautiful women than in past generations.

    4. We survive car accidents more often.
    This is sad but true: Men are 77 percent more likely to die in a car accident than women, according to a study done by Carnegie Mellon University. Our boyfriends should be thanking us when we nag them to "Wear your seatbelt!"

    5. We're better at seeking comfort.
    A Mind survey of 2,000 people revealed that women are far more likely than men to talk through their problems. Fifty-three percent of women talk to their friends about what's stressing them out, as opposed to 29 percent of men.

    We survive car crashes more often (and we're probably better drivers).6. We're more recession-proof.
    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 80 percent of those who have lost their jobs since December 2007 have been men. Ouch. This could be because male-dominated fields have been hit the hardest, like manufacturing and finance. That really sucks...but hey, maybe it's time more men became nurses and educators.

    7. We graduate college more often.
    We already know that female enrollment is higher than male, but the Department of Education's statistics reveal that men are also less likely than women to graduate and get their bachelor's degrees. Men are also more likely to take longer than five years to complete their degree.

    8. We eat healthier.
    A survey of more than 14,000 people, conducted by the University of Minnesota, showed that women choose far healthier foods than men. While men are more likely to chow down on frozen pizza and red meat, women are piling fruits and veggies onto their plates. It all sounds pretty obvious, but we get so much grief for our chocolate addictions that we just had to point this one out!

    9. We have stronger immune systems.
    No wonder men act like such babies when they have a sniffle - women really do have stronger immune systems than men! If there are little battles going on in our bodies, women have a secret weapon: estrogen. A study done by McGill University indicated that estrogen gives women an edge when it comes to fighting off infections. That's because estrogen confronts a certain enzyme that often hinders the body's first line of defense against bacteria and viruses.

    10. We live longer.
    Among the world's population of those who are over 100 years old, 85 percent are women, according to the New England Centenarian Study. In general, women continue to live five to 10 years longer than men as well.

    11. We're better managers, especially in this economy.
    This one is a little controversial, but a slew of experts are confident that women make greater bosses because they are better listeners, mentors, problem solvers, and multitaskers than their male counterparts. In a recent Daily News article, management expert Jay Forte said, "It's a very service-oriented economy [right now], so you need employees to be motivated. Women are better connectors than men and more astute about knowing how to activate passion in their employees."

    12. We invest better.
    A study of 100,000 portfolios showed that women's investment returns outperform men's, 18 percent to 11 percent. This could be because women are typically more cautious with their investment decisions and think longer term.

    1. Debatable. Every picture I've seen of some chick doing duckface is in a room that is a total pigsty - holding more bacteria than her workplace. And men work in the worst places in the world.

    2. Right, because interview ability is exactly what the world needed on 9/11 when men were rushing into burning towers.

    3. That's a given. I've yet to meet a fellow man that I would even consider having sex with.

    4. That's because women drive boring cars, while men keep power alive.

    5. Any married guy can attest to this. Women start out full of number 3, get a man, and go straight for number 5. The jump from a gorgeous, tight size 3 to a fluffly, 'comfy' size 14 tells everyone a woman can be more comfortable.

    6. Again, check the boredom scale. A woman will work in a realm of boredom out of loyalty and fear of adventure (see fast cars and stupid decisions as my reference).

    7. My wife graduated before I did, because I felt the need to provide for the family and give her the ability and tools to survive in case something happened to me while I was out doing awesome, kickass things!

    8. A study of Minnesota? Doesn't that state trail only Wisconsin in the number of sausage related deaths? Again, steak and potatoes = one helluva lot better than a small side with a 2oz serving of tuna...although that applies to single women, because the married women love being comfy!

    9. Stronger immune systems? Women always seem to be sick, although men catch up seriously towards the end of our lives when we excrete the red meat we so loved during our exciting years! Plus, most premenopausal women have a little visitor that appears monthly which makes every man question their decision to ever hire a woman again because the entire mood at work is destroyed during that week. If only they could all sync up for that one week and take a mandatory vacation, then the workplace would be grand!

    10. Again, the boring scale. Women can be slaves to corporations longer while men are out buying boats, and motorcycles with 200hp, and cars with 662hp, and jumping out of airplanes, and seeking out Thai prostitutes with questionable health records and personal hygiene, and so on.

    11. Ever worked for a woman? I have. What a ballbusting of constant proportions that was! And contrary to popular MBA belief, manager doesn't equate to leader, it does however equate to maintaining the status quo (read: boredom!).

    12. Warren Buffett says "GTFOutta Here!" While I will grant that women tend to be more conservative financially I will also stand up for men here and say that putting young women with daddy issues and young single mothers through college is quite spendy and in fact - men create those savers by giving them the ability to earn an honest living!

  • #2
    I definitely disagree with the being cleaner part.


    • #3
      Better problem solvers? GTFO of here.
      Originally posted by Broncojohnny


      • #4
        Bored Sean? lol


        • #5
          Originally posted by talisman View Post
          Bored Sean? lol
          Obviously not. Didn't you read his rebuttal? Men don't do boring stuff.
          Originally posted by Broncojohnny
          HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


          • #6
            Originally posted by talisman View Post
            Bored Sean? lol
            Naw, just relaxing after getting home.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ENKI View Post
              I definitely disagree with the being cleaner part.
              Couldn't agree more. Go into any female Public restroom.....yuck. disgusting.


              • #8
                Originally posted by centexchick View Post
                Couldn't agree more. Go into any female Public restroom.....yuck. disgusting.
                Had a friend that worked in a grocery back in ~98 that had to clean the bathrooms at the end of the day. He called me once and asked how it was possible to shit up. Apparently, some 'lady' had decided to use the stall while not sitting, but bending over, with explosive diarrhea and spray painted everything from floor to roughly 6' up including the walls, commode, toilet paper and so on. He quit.


                • #9
                  The servers over at the N.O.W. headquarters just crashed thanks to Sean's response. They are in full-on, red alert mode over there now. Sean is soon to be tracked down by a herd of braless, unshaven "natural women".
                  "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


                  • #10
                    LOL @ women are cleaner. I haven't been in a broad's car yet that doesn't have the back seat and/or trunk full of shit. And have you seen the bedroom/bathroom self mirror pics I've posted in the past? Holy fuck there's shit everywhere.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by helosailor View Post
                      The servers over at the N.O.W. headquarters just crashed thanks to Sean's response. They are in full-on, red alert mode over there now. Sean is soon to be tracked down by a herd of braless, unshaven "natural women".
                      I live amongst them in the foothills near Boulder, thus far I am undetected in my secret cloak of birkenstock.

