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ATV Title... need advice...

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  • ATV Title... need advice...

    So my brother had a Raptor 660 that he bought new back in 2001 or 2002... He paid on it for a couple of years, but after he found out he had cancer, he stopped paying on it all together. It was financed through yamaha, not sure what bank it was at the time... Now that he has passed, it was left to me. I assume I am shit out of luck as far as getting a title for this thing unless I track down whoever the lien holder was and payoff whatever balance was left? It's been so long since anything was paid on it, and they have never called to try and collect, so I'm really not even sure who it was financed through!


  • #2
    Originally posted by danielhv View Post
    So my brother had a Raptor 660 that he bought new back in 2001 or 2002... He paid on it for a couple of years, but after he found out he had cancer, he stopped paying on it all together. It was financed through yamaha, not sure what bank it was at the time... Now that he has passed, it was left to me. I assume I am shit out of luck as far as getting a title for this thing unless I track down whoever the lien holder was and payoff whatever balance was left? It's been so long since anything was paid on it, and they have never called to try and collect, so I'm really not even sure who it was financed through!

    I would run the vin through the DMV and make sure it doesnt show up with anything against it, then just sell it with a BOS if your wanting to get rid of it or file for a bonded title. The bonded title will cost you about 160.00+. I had to do that with my RZR when I lost the title.
    2012 GT - Brembo car
    "Sell crazy some place else, were all stocked up here" - Jack Nicholson, As Good As It Gets.


    • #3
      Originally posted by GARS04 View Post
      I would run the vin through the DMV and make sure it doesnt show up with anything against it, then just sell it with a BOS if your wanting to get rid of it or file for a bonded title. The bonded title will cost you about 160.00+. I had to do that with my RZR when I lost the title.
      Can I run the vin somewhere online? Found this: I assume that will work, I don't have the VIN # with me so I dunno if it works with ATV's...

      What is a BOS?

      Not wanting to sell it, just want to clean up the issue and have the title.


      • #4
        BOS=Bill of Sale


        • #5
          Originally posted by Saleen781 View Post
          BOS=Bill of Sale
          Oh yea.... duh.


          • #6
            You can get all of the information through the DMV, if not them just go back to the dealer he bought it from...they should be able to look it up for you.
            70' Chevelle RagTop
            (Forever Under Construction)

            "Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”- Thomas A Edison


            • #7
              I had no idea that having cancer absolves someone of their financial responsibilities... I'd be pissed if my brother dumped something like that on me or my parents, shoulda just sold it back then.

              Sorry for your loss though.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Big A View Post
                I had no idea that having cancer absolves someone of their financial responsibilities.
                Like school in summer time.
                Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                Would you like your reparations in 5.56mm or 7.62mm?


                • #9
                  I'll buy it from you(cheap) and make it disappear. If they ever come looking for it, just tell them you know nothing and just assumed it was repo'd after he passed away.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Big A View Post
                    I had no idea that having cancer absolves someone of their financial responsibilities... I'd be pissed if my brother dumped something like that on me or my parents, shoulda just sold it back then.

                    Sorry for your loss though.
                    Kind of a shitty comment for someone who knows nothing about the situation he was in...

                    He spent majority of his time in a hospital bed in California... I'm sure between trying to find a way to live, and keep up with the house payment so he had something to come back to, keep his business from going under long enough to sell all his equipment (18 wheelers and low boys) that a 4 wheeler sitting in a storage unit an hour away was the last thing on his mind. Don't get me wrong... there ARE people out there that think it's a get out of jail free card and quit paying on everything.... but not him. He did his best, which is more than alot of people do without any illnesses.


                    • #11
                      Little harsh Aaron. Loans are a calculated risk on behalf of the bank. They win most, they lose some. And don't worry, if they are ever in danger of failing due to this business model, we'll give them a few billion to correct it, no sweat.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by danielhv View Post
                        Kind of a shitty comment for someone who knows nothing about the situation he was in...

                        He spent majority of his time in a hospital bed in California... I'm sure between trying to find a way to live, and keep up with the house payment so he had something to come back to, keep his business from going under long enough to sell all his equipment (18 wheelers and low boys) that a 4 wheeler sitting in a storage unit an hour away was the last thing on his mind. Don't get me wrong... there ARE people out there that think it's a get out of jail free card and quit paying on everything.... but not him. He did his best, which is more than alot of people do without any illnesses.
                        He definitely did better than plenty of healthy deadbeats have done, just sucks that you weren't able to help out when it was current, rather than after the fact. At least you're trying to make it right now, and hopefully there won't be any ramifications on yours, or any other family members credit. I have no idea how all of that works, when my sted dad succumbed to cancer a few years ago, everything was paid for, and Mom was able to pay off the house last month. Out of curiosity I'll ask her about the medical bills, insurance paid the majority, but I'm not sure if the rest was paid from savings and life insurance (after creamation costs), or if it was "forgiven."


                        • #13
                          If you get in contact with the finance company and they are able to let you know how much is left to pay on it cool, some wont let you and will want to see death Cert, POA, or something to give away information to you. Once done so, if they company still has the debt with them negotiate with them if you want to pay it off and get a title. If they sold it to a collection company to attempt to collect the remaining balance deal with them in the same process. Im sure by now they have probably already considered it a loss and charged it off. But dont know till you make that first initial call


                          • #14
                            I would not worry about a title as over half the atvs floating around don't have them. If you wanna sell just sell with a BOS and call it a day. The loan in default has already been sold off 3 times by now so even if you did down you would never see the title.


                            • #15
                              its a 4-wheeler not a car

                              screw the title, you dont need it and never will...I think ATV's only started coming with titles about 10-15 years ago..I may be wrong

