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Anyone talked to Evil Jose about all of this?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by kc50lx
    My opinion only so take it at face value. If Jose starts another board, then some will leave here for good. Some loyal people will go both ways and post to both boards. In the end we are going to be divided and both boards will most likely suffer.

    This new board was brought about to keep dfws alive in its current configuration (hopefully). I have nothing to gain and don't want anything from the board other than a place to call home. I've been here since '03 and didn't want it to see the dfws community go to shit which seemed to be inevitable. That's why when I noticed all the posts asking for a new board, I immediately called Tyler (who was and still is out of town) and said you have to get something together quick! So at midnight he got it up and running. So now here we are at!

    Hell not two weeks ago you guys came together and bailed me out when I was stranded 200 miles from home. I appreciate that and hope that this community keeps going strong... as dysfunctional as it is at time you guys are family!

    Well said, man.


    • #17
      Originally posted by kc50lx
      My opinion only so take it at face value. If Jose starts another board, then some will leave here for good. Some loyal people will go both ways and post to both boards. In the end we are going to be divided and both boards will most likely suffer.

      This new board was brought about to keep dfws alive in its current configuration (hopefully). I have nothing to gain and don't want anything from the board other than a place to call home. I've been here since '03 and didn't want it to see the dfws community go to shit which seemed to be inevitable. That's why when I noticed all the posts asking for a new board, I immediately called Tyler (who was and still is out of town) and said you have to get something together quick! So at midnight he got it up and running. So now here we are at!

      Hell not two weeks ago you guys came together and bailed me out when I was stranded 200 miles from home. I appreciate that and hope that this community keeps going strong... as dysfunctional as it is at time you guys are family!
      Well said.


      • #18
        Im not moving again


        • #19
          Seems like someone else is seeing dollar signs, and this guy just wanted to create another place to hang out. I don't see the point in another board.
          Slow moving projects
          1964 C10 350/700r4
          1992 LX 5.0


          • #20
            I feel for Jose man, such a great dude, and he has put so much into that site.

            I hope he does well with whatever he has in mind, but this place sure feels like home already


            • #21
              It sounds like Chris got some cash for the site and that Jose got shafted.
              If thats the case then fuck Chris and he needs to have dfwstangs/dfwmustangs/4chan of fury unleashed. Iv hung out with Jose several times and he's a great guy. Id hate it if he did get f'd out of the deal(which it sounds like he did).

