My grandpa cut the ears off of Jap bastards on so many pacific islands that he lost count. He wore them as a necklace until they turned black and started to stink. I guess he broke the law and should be punished, huh deputy dog? Do us all a favor and spare us your god damn hyperbole about what soldiers do in a war zone. No one gives a fuck, it isn't even the same fucking ball park.
My God. Perfect.
I would have hacked their neck open, and shit down their throat.
Obviously Jewoz, you've never served. I guarantee you've never experienced the level of hatred a solider has for his enemy. You don't even have the metal capacity to understand it. Your civilian mind cannot fathom it. Someone that wants to kill them at every waking moment. It maybe a suicide bomb at the main gate, possibly an interpreter that you've known for months, a cook poisoning your food, or just a dirty ambush set up by some taliban bastards.
Sure, it shouldn't have happened, and it definitely shouldnt have been posted on the net, but damn dude, similar shit has been happening since the dawn of time. It will continue to happen as long as there are wars.
I don't give a fuck some marines pissed on a dead fucking enemy. I'm sure on september 12, 2001 90% of American males would have whipped their dicks out along side those brave wrong men.
Imagine yourself in vietnam, and you see a battle buddy with his own dick cut off, and shoved in his mouth. You're telling me you wouldnt piss on a fish face after you blasted him? Was is fucking Hell.
Basically Jew, shut the fuck up. You're not qualified to give an opinion on this matter
And..... people there aren't protected by a constitution, we aren't obligated to protect them and aren't there to. We're there to do a job and kill terrorists.
I didn't say they weren't tough, I said it's not a warzone. And would you like the compare the punishments if we step out of line versus cops? If we fuck up we get reduction in rank, have to stay in a combat zone getting shot at and blown up, and can be charged with war crimes.
Cops? Worse case scenario? They get fired, no charges filed.
so when officers get x ammount of days off is that not the equal to someone in the military losing a rank? doesn't the military pay for your uniform and meals or am i missing something? obviously doing extra deployments in a warzone is something that isn't compairable but the rank isnt a good debating point...
how many military members have died since the iraq/afgan wars compaired to the ammount deployed? and how many police officers have died in the line of duty in that same ammount of time per the total ammount in the states?
the streets aren't tough?
173 Police Officers killed in 2011
168 2010
139 in 2009
152 in 2008
I could keep listing the numbers, but they aren't going to add up to the over 4k we've lost in Iraq/Afghanistan.
And no one said the streets aren't tough. You're just comparing apples to oranges, and badly, I might add.
so when officers get x ammount of days off is that not the equal to someone in the military losing a rank? doesn't the military pay for your uniform and meals or am i missing something? obviously doing extra deployments in a warzone is something that isn't compairable but the rank isnt a good debating point...
No, it's not the same. When you lose a rank, your pay is cut until you earn it back. That means months or years until you hit your old rank again. If you're a 5 who goes back to 1? You're looking at about 4 years to make what you used to. No, they give us 100 bucks a year to replace boots and uniforms. Our boots run about 130 to 200, uniforms run about 100 to 125 when you account for the stuff you have to sew on, and we rip our uniforms in the field like crazy.
I would have hacked their neck open, and shit down their throat.
Obviously Jewoz, you've never served. I guarantee you've never experienced the level of hatred a solider has for his enemy. You don't even have the metal capacity to understand it. Your civilian mind cannot fathom it. Someone that wants to kill them at every waking moment. It maybe a suicide bomb at the main gate, possibly an interpreter that you've known for months, a cook poisoning your food, or just a dirty ambush set up by some taliban bastards.
Sure, it shouldn't have happened, and it definitely shouldnt have been posted on the net, but damn dude, similar shit has been happening since the dawn of time. It will continue to happen as long as there are wars.
I don't give a fuck some marines pissed on a dead fucking enemy. I'm sure on september 12, 2001 90% of American males would have whipped their dicks out along side those brave wrong men.
Imagine yourself in vietnam, and you see a battle buddy with his own dick cut off, and shoved in his mouth. You're telling me you wouldnt piss on a fish face after you blasted him? Was is fucking Hell.
Basically Jew, shut the fuck up. You're not qualified to give an opinion on this matter
i didn't have to serve to make the point i was making. i used the pissing scenario because i remembered his comments on it at the time. i still agree what they did was stupid and they were punished accordingly due to them filming it. and why am i not qualified again? because i didn't serve in the military i can't distinguish something being dumb from something not being dumb?
Tali, I wasn't aware that cops in DFW had to deal with IED's and kids packing AK's and sent to officers wearing suicide vests. Shit. Though they do have nice APC's and armored vehicles.
First off, jewozzy comparison of pissing on dead bodies to consenting sexual relationships between adults (save for the rape charge) is absolutely asinine.
Second, I completely disagree with Frost in terms of the pissing episode. Those Marines should be busted down to the fullest extent. We are trained to be professionals and, while leaders do need to do their best to mitigate stress and take care of their subordinates, pissing on those corpses and documenting it undermines everything we are trying to do in this country. It risks lives, recruits for the enemy, and retracts from the mission as a whole. I would never allow my Soldiers to do the same, especially as the only benefit might be for a few cheap laughs.
i didn't have to serve to make the point i was making. i used the pissing scenario because i remembered his comments on it at the time. i still agree what they did was stupid and they were punished accordingly due to them filming it. and why am i not qualified again? because i didn't serve in the military i can't distinguish something being dumb from something not being dumb?
I am absolutely willing to explain to you the military to the best of my ability.
First off, jewozzy comparison of pissing on dead bodies to consenting sexual relationships between adults (save for the rape charge) is absolutely asinine.
Second, I completely disagree with Frost in terms of the pissing episode. Those Marines should be busted down to the fullest extent. We are trained to be professionals and, while leaders do need to do their best to mitigate stress and take care of their subordinates, pissing on those corpses and documenting it undermines everything we are trying to do in this country. It risks lives, recruits for the enemy, and retracts from the mission as a whole. I would never allow my Soldiers to do the same, especially as the only benefit might be for a few cheap laughs.
Oh we are trained to be professionals and what I did in uniform was, according to my awards and retirement paperwork "In the best tradition of the Department of the Army and the United States of America."
No, it's not the same. When you lose a rank, your pay is cut until you earn it back. That means months or years until you hit your old rank again. If you're a 5 who goes back to 1? You're looking at about 4 years to make what you used to. No, they give us 100 bucks a year to replace boots and uniforms. Our boots run about 130 to 200, uniforms run about 100 to 125 when you account for the stuff you have to sew on, and we rip our uniforms in the field like crazy.
how much do they have to spend on meals and housing?
how much do they have to spend on meals and housing?
Quite a bit more, but again, it's based on rank and where you live. You also have regulations on who can live off post based on rank. You're a 5 who was making a house payment off post? Not anymore.
First off, jewozzy comparison of pissing on dead bodies to consenting sexual relationships between adults (save for the rape charge) is absolutely asinine.
Second, I completely disagree with Frost in terms of the pissing episode. Those Marines should be busted down to the fullest extent. We are trained to be professionals and, while leaders do need to do their best to mitigate stress and take care of their subordinates, pissing on those corpses and documenting it undermines everything we are trying to do in this country. It risks lives, recruits for the enemy, and retracts from the mission as a whole. I would never allow my Soldiers to do the same, especially as the only benefit might be for a few cheap laughs.
the only comparison i am attempting to make is that these people had sex and frost feels that they should get punished as opposed to the pissers.
i do not feel they are in the same ballpark but went with it anyways.