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nothing on the mesquite warning shot?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by BajaBob View Post
    In any case, as soon as you pull your weapon the police deserve a phone call. He didn't call, he pulled a weapon, AND he discharged said weapon. Police officers do not take kindly to a person who fires a weapon publicly and fails to report it.
    sounds like a control issue to me...
    Originally posted by Sean88gt
    You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
    Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
    You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


    • #32
      Originally posted by elvis View Post
      god knows there is room for it!

      God bless.


      • #33
        Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
        Lmao at Elvis...

        I understand the whole wreck less part but it sounded like he shot in the ground to be as safe as possible. I don't see how pulling your gun in a dark backyard is going to scare someone.
        Everyone should wreck less, I agree.


        • #34
          Originally posted by BradM View Post
          Everyone should wreck less, I agree.
          I was typing from my phone.

          The point I am making it sounds like he was trying to be as cautious as possible by firing into the ground as opposed to shooting randomly in the air.

          I don't buy the whole it could ricochet off of dirt comment though.
          Originally posted by Cmarsh93z
          Don't Fuck with DFWmustangs...the most powerfull gang I have ever been a member of.


          • #35
            Originally posted by 347Mike View Post

            I don't buy the whole it could ricochet off of dirt comment though.
            I've seen it happen a lot with 5.56 - can especially see it happen with tracers
            Originally posted by MR EDD
            U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


            • #36
              Originally posted by ceyko View Post
              I've seen it happen a lot with 5.56 - can especially see it happen with tracers
              It all depends on the angle. Ever single .223 round will bounce off dirt at a near parallel angle. You can shoot the ground and watch it impact the berm all day long. Firing directly down the likelihood the bullet is going to hit something is very unlikely, and having enough energy retention to do damage is even less likely.
              "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
              "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


              • #37
                Should've used a crossbow.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by 5.0_CJ View Post
                  It all depends on the angle. Ever single .223 round will bounce off dirt at a near parallel angle. You can shoot the ground and watch it impact the berm all day long. Firing directly down the likelihood the bullet is going to hit something is very unlikely, and having enough energy retention to do damage is even less likely.
                  Although I generally agree with what you're saying, I still will not advocate shooting into the ground in a residential situation.
                  Originally posted by MR EDD
                  U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by ceyko View Post
                    Although I generally agree with what you're saying, I still will not advocate shooting into the ground in a residential situation.
                    LOL I'm not advocating doing it, I'm just saying it's highly unlikely to ricochet. Discharging a weapon in public is illegal, no need to get into the specifics.
                    "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                    "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
                      have you been to mesquite? EVERYONE there has warrants.

                      god bless.
                      My mother in law lives there. Which one of the board officers do I need to share my donuts with to have her arrested?!


                      • #41
                        If you have a CHL, you need to pull your weapon only if threatened.

                        If you have a CHL and pull your weapon and feel that discharging it is the only way to prevent an assault, discharge it into the perpetrator. If you're on your homestead, you need to make sure that the perp(s) are on your property. If they are, discharge the weapon into the perpetrator.

                        I am a huge proponent of "if you need to pull the trigger, make every bullet count". I think the homeowner should have been ticketed for ND simply because he didn't lie better and say he fired AT the perpetrators
                        Originally posted by PGreenCobra
                        I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
                        Originally posted by Trip McNeely
                        Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
                        dont downshift!!
                        Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


                        • #42
                          I agree with Don on this one, if you fire a warning shot you have other options. If you are going to fire a gun make sure your life is in danger and in this situation it is on your property. I don't see tearing apart and shaking a fence to be life threatening. Now if they made it through and kept on coming that's a different story.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by red95gts View Post
                            If you believe the comments, the dude had multiple warrants out when the cops showed up. Not saying that has any bearing on the story, but maybe that's part of the reason he was arrested?

                            As usual, it appears like the media has picked out the most "headline-worthy" bits of the story to publish...
                            so he was arrested for outstanding warrants or arrested for discharging his gun in to the ground?

                            In other news, I would fuck Natalie Solis in the ass.


                            • #44
                              If you fire into the ground, you might hit a gas pocket and blow up your whole neighborhood!
                              "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. "
                              George Orwell


                              • #45
                                Warning shots are pointless. People get the same point, very well infact, when staring down the barrel. If they don't get that point, your bullets should only be going into them.

