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Not sure what to think

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  • Not sure what to think

    My little brother just called me and told me my birth mother OD'd on pills and was not breathing when the ambulance arrived and there's been no word since. I'm not exactly sure what to think and I think my PTSD is doing it's job of numbing the majority of what I should be feeling. A bit of back story.

    When I was 2 she tried to put me up for adoption. My grandparents took my brother and I and while he and I were told about her, we didn't know her. Then when I was 14 my father told me her phone number and said if I wanted to know her I could. I reached out, she visited once and got pissed at me because I wouldn't call her mom. My brother did and got a new bike and a truck. She called me vindictive and spiteful. Probably right.

    No word until last year when I invite her and my step sister down here. They come, the birth mother asks me for a kidney because I'm the only one in the family with her blood type. I tell her I'll think it over but leave my sister so we can get to know one another. Later on in the day, I discover my 12 year old sister texting with 18 year olds very explicitly so I confiscate the cell and tell her mother.

    Lori (birth mother) is upset and tells me thank you and she'll handle it when she comes back the next day. Everyone hops in the van and leaves and I get told a month later that I had no right acting like I did and 'ratting' on my sister. I thought I was being a big brother.

    A few months ago, she again asks for a kidney because hers are failing ( lifetime of alcohol and drugs and multiple sex partners). Today I get told she's OD'd and possibly dead. Do I go to the funeral? What am I supposed to feel?
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    If it were me, I might go to the funeral, if it isn't a long trip. The woman isn't family or your mother, and never was. She's an acquaintance, and that's about as much import that should be given her.

    But I'm an asshole like that.


    • #3
      My mother didn't do any of that shit and I've all but disowned her. You don't need that bullshit in your life, son. You never know who will be there and whether or not they'd confront you and make some stupidass scene. If it were me I'd skip it. I'll go to my mothers, but only to make sure the bitch is dead.


      • #4
        Man thats a tough call on how to feel. I honestly wouldnt feel bad but in the back of my mind there is always that thought that I (you) could of done something. However your mom didnt seem like she gave to much care for you, family or herself and would be my justification for not getting upset over it.

        I would go to the funeral if you care to say goodbye. But be prepared for other family to talk shit.

        I too have disonwed my mother. I still see her around the work complex but never speak to her. Im awaiting a transfer
        Last edited by Redd; 05-28-2012, 06:10 PM.


        • #5
          Be a man son, the woman gave birth to you. Sure she wasn't there to wipe the snot from your nose but she put you on this planet and without her you would still be floating in your daddy's sack.


          • #6
            Originally posted by sc281 View Post
            If it were me, I might go to the funeral, if it isn't a long trip. The woman isn't family or your mother, and never was. She's an acquaintance, and that's about as much import that should be given her.

            But I'm an asshole like that.
            She's up in Springfield, Il.
            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


            • #7
              Originally posted by Redd View Post
              Man thats a tough call on how to feel. I honestly wouldnt feel bad but in the back of my mind there is always that thought that I (you) could of done something. However your mom didnt seem like she gave to much care for you, family or herself and would be my justification for not getting upset over it.

              I would go to the funeral if you care to say goodbye. But be prepared for other family to talk shit.
              My little brother gets along famously with her. Has been there multiple times in the past couple years and talks to her at least weekly.
              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


              • #8
                Honor your father and mother


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                  My little brother gets along famously with her. Has been there multiple times in the past couple years and talks to her at least weekly.
                  Sounds like my buddy with his dad. He could careless bout his dad but his brother always tries to keep in contact with him. Yet the dad has been all over the country and always in and out of jail


                  • #10
                    It's hard to have feelings for someone that you're only connected to biologically. There is no emotional attachment without bonding, so I'm gonna have to say that this has very little to do with your PTSD. I went through something similar with my biological father.

                    I went to my sperm donor's funeral, partially for closure, partially so I knew I wouldn't feel regret about it later in life, and partially for vindication. It won't hurt to discuss it with your therapist.


                    • #11
                      OP. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I have no dog in this fight. However, if it were me, I'd err on the side of caution. Do not let your pride force you to keep a life time's worth of spite. That shit can eat you up. Go to the funeral and mourn the loss of something you never had but wanted. (Possibly a closer relationship with your Mother.)
                      [I'm no therapist. I'm just talking as if I were in your shoes.]
                      Good luck and God bless!

                      Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post
                      It's hard to have feelings for someone that you're only connected to biologically. There is no emotional attachment without bonding, so I'm gonna have to say that this has very little to do with your PTSD. I went through something similar with my biological father.

                      I went to my sperm donor's funeral, partially for closure, partially so I knew I wouldn't feel regret about it later in life, and partially for vindication. It won't hurt to discuss it with your therapist.
                      Takes a lot of "balls" to say something like that on this board. I don't know you, and I do not believe we've ever "talked" on the board. However, with this rather coincidentally and yet directly related response you've earned a bit of respect from this guy.

                      Originally posted by Taya Kyle, American Gun
                      There comes a time when honest debate, serious diplomatic efforts, and logical arguments have been exhausted and only men and women willing to take up arms against evil will suffice to save the freedom of a nation or continent.


                      • #12
                        9 am


                        • #13
                          Had no clue so many of us had disowned our mothers. Haven't spoken to mine since Christmas, and have no real desire.

                          That said, I would probably go to the funeral as well.


                          • #14
                            I talk to mine when I have to. All she ever does is complain.

                            Made me pay half thr rent and food from 16 until I moved out, let my druggie brother live and eat and steal from both of us for free.

                            I hope my brother enjoys wiping her ass when she is old, cause I'm not doing it.


                            • #15
                              My brother just called me. She's in the ER but not awake. Seems they brought her back but no answer on what she took or when she'll wake up. From what her sister tells me, she's eaten up with cancer and they're keeping her going. My brother said the doctors told him when she wakes, she's going to the nut house for a while.

                              It's a load off my shoulders but just delays it. She has cancer and is down from 300ish to 120, needs a kidney and just tried to kill herself. Should I start a dead pool? I have a feeling that when she does go, I'll compartmentalize, show up to the funeral and then deal with the guilt like I have with survivor's guilt.
                              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

