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Police vs Zombie

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  • I haven't read this thread because I can only imagine the typical dark, negative, road it probably went down towards popo but...
    We were discussing this in briefing today about bath salts and their zombie state. It is super trippy!!! A hyped up trip like PCP but a taste for blood twist? Man o' man I don't know what I'd do with myself have a real live "zombie" on a call (other then attempt to stop the grotesque assault with more then likely deadly force so to protect the innocent zombie snack.) On my after action review, do I say that I aimed for the head to stop the brain? lol that would be interesting!
    Sorry to re-derail this lovely thread from its original topic by bringing it back up. Carry on.


    • Originally posted by Tannerm View Post
      I haven't read this thread because I can only imagine the typical dark, negative, road it probably went down towards popo but...
      We were discussing this in briefing today about bath salts and their zombie state. It is super trippy!!! A hyped up trip like PCP but a taste for blood twist? Man o' man I don't know what I'd do with myself have a real live "zombie" on a call (other then attempt to stop the grotesque assault with more then likely deadly force so to protect the innocent zombie snack.) On my after action review, do I say that I aimed for the head to stop the brain? lol that would be interesting!
      Sorry to re-derail this lovely thread from its original topic by bringing it back up. Carry on.
      I mean, seriously. Fucking double tap.
      May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
      Semper Fi


      • Originally posted by Jester View Post
        I mean, seriously. Fucking double tap.
        But with .40 hydrashoks? I think a single good pop would suffice! Zombies....


        • Originally posted by Tannerm View Post
          But with .40 hydrashoks? I think a single good pop would suffice! Zombies....
          Doesn't matter, never ignore rule #2!!!
          Originally posted by talisman
          I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
          Originally posted by AdamLX
          If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
          Originally posted by Broncojohnny
          Because fuck you, that's why
          Originally posted by 80coupe
          nice dick, Idrivea4banger
          Originally posted by Rick Modena
          ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
          Originally posted by Jester
          Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


          • Originally posted by idrivea4banger View Post
            Doesn't matter, never ignore rule #2!!!
            Shit, ur right. Sorry for my ignorance. Must never question Max Brookes and his survival guide. (it that's what your referring to).


            • Originally posted by Tannerm View Post
              But with .40 hydrashoks? I think a single good pop would suffice! Zombies....
              Fuck it I am getting out the Saiga on a Zombie. There may be others close by.
              Whos your Daddy?


              • Kill for a saiga. All I got for Zday is my S&W M15, bunch a ammo, and my trusty glock 35.


                • Oh, and mt cowboy gun! That'll be fun!


                  • Originally posted by Tannerm View Post
                    Shit, ur right. Sorry for my ignorance. Must never question Max Brookes and his survival guide. (it that's what your referring to).

                    Sent from my VS920 4G using Tapatalk 2
                    Non tapatalk Sig so the butt hurt va-JJs can stop crying about not being able to turn it off.


                    • Originally posted by Tannerm View Post
                      Shit, ur right. Sorry for my ignorance. Must never question Max Brookes and his survival guide. (it that's what your referring to).


                      • Originally posted by Tannerm View Post
                        A hyped up trip like PCP but a taste for blood twist? Man o' man I don't know what I'd do with myself have a real live "zombie" on a call (other then attempt to stop the grotesque assault with more then likely deadly force so to protect the innocent zombie snack.)

                        So you're saying you wouldn't go hands on? 03trublugt says you're a coward. He has experience, so anyone else's opinion is null and void or "sucks."


                        • I go to the gym a lot and have been pretty steady at it the last 12 years or so. I have fought with around three or four guys on PCP and really never had a problem with them but there were always at least two of us. I can almost throw up 300 on the bench but my maxing out days are over. They are hard to fight but if you can grab them fast and get them secured it’s not so bad. If they are small guys, to me it is not really like they have super strength, it is just the fact that they have an endless amount of energy and feel no pain. You or I may get tired out and they are still going is the biggest problem.

                          The guy we took to jail at eight or ten in the evening was still going at five am the next morning. He had busted out the isolation room window with his elbows. You could even see into the elbows from the big holes in them. Even so I had no problems holding that guys arms down. He was very similar to the guy in this articles size and ex-military. Now if you were to run into a big ass guy on PCP I could see that being a major problem.

                          I think if I had rolled up on this guy eating the other guy I would not have called out on my loud speaker and sat in my car. I am pretty sure I would have run up and gave him a really solid kick to the side (like a dog) and if that didn’t work, hit him with the Taser, and then shot him had he attacked me. I think the fact that this thing wasn’t really paying attention to the officer gave him a little time to try and take action. I do not know how close the officer was and how much he could see of the guy on the ground, but what if the guy on the ground had just sustained a bite to the fore head and was gushing blood. People would have questioned the use of deadly force then.

                          Matt is right though, biting someone in the face is not the same as stabbing someone as far as imminent danger of death goes. I am not saying that the officer was wrong either. Just like every other incident you see posted on here, there are usually two ways to handle it. There are plenty of studies on PCP incidents to provide this guy with a solid defense to shooting that guy. The officer should be in good shape though, with the amount of injuries that guy suffered, and the fucking craziness of the incident.

                          That guy would probably get an insanity plea and be back out in the world again and actually kill someone the next time. I mean what the fuck. I just cannot see where anyone would be offered PCP and someone would go “hell yeah that stuff is great”.

                          Oh and just FYI we have been seeing more and more guys smoking K2 and fucking losing their minds. It has been kind of similar to PCP but not the same energy levels. This has been a public service announcement for you casual drug users.
                          Whos your Daddy?


                          • So... Bath salts = pcp?


                            • Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                              Oh and just FYI we have been seeing more and more guys smoking K2 and fucking losing their minds. It has been kind of similar to PCP but not the same energy levels. This has been a public service announcement for you casual drug users.
                              Exactly. I smoked the K2 and tons of other brands and it put me right into the fucking mental hospital. I then became a huge spokesperson for telling people not to smoke any of that fake weed. Fuck that shit in the ass with a diseased dick. It is no longer the same ingredients as when it started. At first it had JWH-018 in it and it would give you a nice wonderful high......exactly like good hydro. When they banned that ingredient, it went to shit FAST. they started putting god knows what in it and it started really fucking people up.
                              I am glad to see it slowly being banned everywhere.
                              May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                              Semper Fi


                              • Originally posted by kingjason View Post

                                I think if I had rolled up on this guy eating the other guy I would not have called out on my loud speaker and sat in my car. I am pretty sure I would have run up and gave him a really solid kick to the side (like a dog) and if that didn’t work, hit him with the Taser, and then shot him had he attacked me. I think the fact that this thing wasn’t really paying attention to the officer gave him a little time to try and take action. I do not know how close the officer was and how much he could see of the guy on the ground, but what if the guy on the ground had just sustained a bite to the fore head and was gushing blood. People would have questioned the use of deadly force then.
                                Put those jack boots to work!!!

