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Police vs Zombie

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  • #31
    Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
    I would have grabbed him by the foot and drug him away from the victim. Once away from the victim, you can go hands on, if that doesn't work, then use a distance weapon like Taser or baton.

    I just think going to deadly force right away violates the use of force continuum.

    There's a reason I spend 4-5 days a week in the gym, and it isn't so that I can rely on my gun to kill someone that I can't match/overcome physically.
    Dude, Matt, I like you and all, but that just sounds fucking stupid.

    You did get the part of the story where it said "The officer, who has not been identified, approached and, seeing what was happening, also ordered the naked man to back away. When he continued the assault, the officer shot him, police sources said. The attacker failed to stop after being shot, forcing the officer to continue firing. Witnesses said they heard at least a half dozen shots.", right ?

    AT LEAST a half a dozen shots ? I know in the heat of the moment officers don't always hit their mark, but if someone comes running at you, snarling with blood dripping from their mouth because they just chewed someone's fucking face off, your first instinct is going to be put them in a heel hook or armbar ?! FUCK NO. Shoot the everloving SHIT out them, Matt. You'd be doing us taxpayers a favor !!

    Be safe out there, po-po's.



    • #32
      Originally posted by CRASH View Post
      Dude, Matt, I like you and all, but that just sounds fucking stupid.
      Sshhhhh... Be very very quiet. An orange haired, transparent skinned/freckled troll is on the loose!


      • #33
        Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
        If he was indeed experiencing cocaine psychosis how many days you spend in the gym means nothing.
        I've fought one guy 110 lb white kid on PCP and it was like trying to handcuff a Tasmanian Devil.

        I fought one 6'1" 195 lb white dude that had about 3% body fat that was on meth, and learned that knee strikes are very effective.

        I also had a 14 year old black kid that was 5'10" and 190 (a little chubby) what was higher than a kite on weed laced with formaldehyde. His mom called 911 because he was tearing up the house. I was outside waiting for my assist when I could hear the commotion and a family member ran outside screaming for help. I went in and went hands on with the kid and just tried to pin him while waiting for my assist. I weigh about 245 in uniform/gear and he did a push up with me on his back. I had to keep sweeping his arms to keep him on the ground. I did not want to Tase a 14 year old, or use baton in front of his family. All I could do was hold on until I could get help.

        But in response, yes, training does mean something. It also means I can use open hand control or personal weapons without resorting to deadly force.

        Even on drugs, there aren't many people who can bench 315 for reps or grab the 100 lb dumb bells and do military presses. Raw strength goes very far in ground control tactics.


        • #34
          Originally posted by CRASH View Post
          Dude, Matt, I like you and all, but that just sounds fucking stupid.

          You did get the part of the story where it said "The officer, who has not been identified, approached and, seeing what was happening, also ordered the naked man to back away. When he continued the assault, the officer shot him, police sources said. The attacker failed to stop after being shot, forcing the officer to continue firing. Witnesses said they heard at least a half dozen shots.", right ?

          AT LEAST a half a dozen shots ? I know in the heat of the moment officers don't always hit their mark, but if someone comes running at you, snarling with blood dripping from their mouth because they just chewed someone's fucking face off, your first instinct is going to be put them in a heel hook or armbar ?! FUCK NO. Shoot the everloving SHIT out them, Matt. You'd be doing us taxpayers a favor !!

          Be safe out there, po-po's.

          Aaron, you're killing me!

          What if the first shot was in the leg? You can shoot someone a dozen times, but if you don't hit any vitals, it doesn't mean shit.

          I would rather go hands on, and prove that the deadly force was necessary than start at deadly force and get prosecuted for excessive force, or violating someone's civil rights. The paperwork and subsequent lawsuits are not worth getting a notch in my gun. If I shoot someone, its going to be because I was genuinely afraid for my life, and I had no other option.


          • #35
            Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
            Sshhhhh... Be very very quiet. An orange haired, transparent skinned/freckled troll is on the loose!
            LOL, You've never met me! My hair isn't orange and I don't have the typical freckles.


            • #36
              Much like many others here who read about a situation and then conjure up some sort of precise plan of attack and promise guaranteed successful results, I think you're full of shit. I do not think you would have any idea how you would react until you arrived on the scene to see what was going on.


              • #37
                Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                Much like many others here who read about a situation and then conjure up some sort of precise plan of attack and promise guaranteed successful results, I think you're full of shit. I do not think you would have any idea how you would react until you arrived on the scene to see what was going on.

                Gimme a fucking break.

                After 20+ years of experience, I've got a pretty damn good track record. I've never had to shoot a dog or a person, and I've been exposed to more than you realize.

                I've had 2 chances to justifiably kill someone and I'm glad I didn't. I've made more arrests without incident because I used good tactics and I don't have to rely on using excessive force to make up for lack of training or being the typical out of shape fat ass cop.


                • #38
                  Oh absolutely, and the cop involved in this shooting must be one of those typical lazy fatasses who has no business wearing a badge. I'm sure your experience trumps his!111111


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                    Oh absolutely, and the cop involved in this shooting must be one of those typical lazy fatasses who has no business wearing a badge. I'm sure your experience trumps his!111111
                    You may be more right than you think.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                      You may be more right than you think.
                      The only caveat I'll throw out there is if you roll up on a scene like that (probably can hear skin/other gross stuff tearing, probably screaming, eye balls hanging out, blood all over, flailing.....etc) it may cause a different reaction than anticipated.

                      Essentially, the picture painted in my mind is the person being eaten was in a very bad situation. Although there are a technical differences - to me it's not much different than if the person (eating) was stabbing the other guy or even pulling the trigger on a gun.

                      I know you've seen crazy stuff on the job - but this is one situation where it'll be hard to find FTP'ers over how that one was handled.
                      Originally posted by MR EDD
                      U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                      • #41

                        turn out its some crazy new form of LSD. awesome.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Blackout View Post

                          turn out its some crazy new form of LSD. awesome.
                          Mark my words, Umbrella Corporation is behind this and this is the beginning of the end of days.

                          Sent from my my bunker using Tapatalk 2
                          Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
                            Mark my words, Umbrella Corporation is behind this and this is the beginning of the end of days.

                            Sent from my my bunker using Tapatalk 2
                            Miami = Raccoon City?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Blackout View Post

                              turn out its some crazy new form of LSD. awesome.

                              Holy shit!!!!!

                              "Armando Aguilar, who heads the local chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police, said he has spoken with the officer who responded. Aguilar said the officer saw what the man was doing, and ordered him to stop. He said the man growled at the officer, and then returned to his meal.
                              Aguilar said the man ate his victim’s nose and eyeballs.
                              The officer then used his service weapon and shot the man, Aguilar said, but the gunshot had no effect.
                              Other sources confirmed that the man refused to obey, and continued his attack. Aguilar said the officer had no choice but to keep shooting until the attacker was dead."


                              • #45
                                “That individual has lost his life right now,” Moreno said.
                                are there plans to return his life to him?

