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Police vs Zombie

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  • Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
    Statistics explain this you dumbass...are you really not seeing that? Everyone is subject to risks...and cops have a whole slew of tools to mitigate this. are you missing this?
    No need to be rude. I simply asked you to explain your viewpoint, but then you just decided to skirt the question with an insult and a general statement rather than a fact.

    Have you ever been on a ride along with an officer?

    Cops are at risk much more often than most other people. Every call they get, everytime they approach a car, everytime they go hands on with a suspect, everytime they search someone, is a high risk possiblity. Any person they come across could be a possible person to try to kill them for the dumbest of reasons.

    When was the last time you were at work and had a weapon pulled on you?


    • Originally posted by slow99 View Post
      The nerd in me wants to post a graph with $$ on the y-axis and fatalities on the x-axis and these jobs plotted over it.
      I couldn't get it to label each job, but you get the idea.

      Originally posted by Steve View Post
      No need to be rude. I simply asked you to explain your viewpoint, but then you just decided to skirt the question with an insult and a general statement rather than a fact.

      Have you ever been on a ride along with an officer?

      Cops are at risk much more often than most other people. Every call they get, everytime they approach a car, everytime they go hands on with a suspect, everytime they search someone, is a high risk possiblity. Any person they come across could be a possible person to try to kill them for the dumbest of reasons.

      When was the last time you were at work and had a weapon pulled on you?
      Yet of all the jobs listed, the police were LEAST likely to die, yet they're 5th in salary, and that's even with me taking the median of the income range offered for Miners. If I take the low end for miners, cops make the 4th largest amount of the bunch.

      Here's the charts sorted first by salary, then by death/100k

      Edit 2: Fuck me. I screwed up the scale on the death. Oh well. You get the fucking idea.... It's almost midnight, and I'm about to go to bed, and I've still got to finish laundry.
      Last edited by racrguy; 06-05-2012, 10:43 PM.


      • Originally posted by Steve View Post
        No need to be rude. I simply asked you to explain your viewpoint, but then you just decided to skirt the question with an insult and a general statement rather than a fact.?
        Steve, you're right, I shouldn't was rude. You're obviously terrible with numbers and associated analysis so I shouldn't have assumed the data would speak for itself. I didn't skirt any question, but now I can see you're just taking the standard Matt approach and claiming someone didn't answer something because you didn't like the answer and/or have an inability to comprehend.<---politer way of calling out your stupidity. Sorry, I'm just rude when it come to dealing with for your sake, please think a little.

        Originally posted by Steve View Post
        Have you ever been on a ride along with an officer?

        Cops are at risk much more often than most other people. Every call they get, everytime they approach a car, everytime they go hands on with a suspect, everytime they search someone, is a high risk possiblity. Any person they come across could be a possible person to try to kill them for the dumbest of reasons.

        When was the last time you were at work and had a weapon pulled on you?
        No, I have not been on a ride a long, and if it was that dangerous they wouldn't allow people to do so. Go ahead and ask a miner if you can trek into his work completely untrained, or maybe try a fisherman.

        Secondly, you're glorifying cops like they are in some kinda constant war. You must watch WAYYYYY too many movies being a stay at homer. And it's not like cops get their weapons drawn on them're gonna hear about this shit when it happens. And when was the last time I was allowed to wear bullet proof at work and carry a slew of about 5 weapons? Oh that's right...never. Which is another point you faled to comprehend. No I don't get weapons drawn on me (except maybe twice in my life) but I also don't have massive amounts of training and tools. Cops are never fighting a fair fight. It's always a whole slew of them against innocent civilians and pet dogs.

        Seriously man...think a little. Just for once...look at the data, and make an INFORMED decision. Stop thinking purely emotional for once.

        Next, you're gonna say being homeless is super dangerous because those guys get their faces eaten off. Despite the rarity of occurence, your emotions are getting the best of you because of it's severity.


        • Ruffdaddy getting all logical and shit. Kudos, that was probably the best post I've ever seen you make.


          • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
            I, on the other hand, would be in serious trouble because I resorted to deadly force first.
            LOL. What a bunch of horse shit. Just like the pic of your kid, that video is completely irrelevant in this situation.


            • Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
              Steve, you're right, I shouldn't was rude. You're obviously terrible with numbers and associated analysis so I shouldn't have assumed the data would speak for itself. I didn't skirt any question, but now I can see you're just taking the standard Matt approach and claiming someone didn't answer something because you didn't like the answer and/or have an inability to comprehend.<---politer way of calling out your stupidity. Sorry, I'm just rude when it come to dealing with for your sake, please think a little.

              No, I have not been on a ride a long, and if it was that dangerous they wouldn't allow people to do so. Go ahead and ask a miner if you can trek into his work completely untrained, or maybe try a fisherman.

              Secondly, you're glorifying cops like they are in some kinda constant war. You must watch WAYYYYY too many movies being a stay at homer. And it's not like cops get their weapons drawn on them're gonna hear about this shit when it happens. And when was the last time I was allowed to wear bullet proof at work and carry a slew of about 5 weapons? Oh that's right...never. Which is another point you faled to comprehend. No I don't get weapons drawn on me (except maybe twice in my life) but I also don't have massive amounts of training and tools. Cops are never fighting a fair fight. It's always a whole slew of them against innocent civilians and pet dogs.

              Seriously man...think a little. Just for once...look at the data, and make an INFORMED decision. Stop thinking purely emotional for once.

              Next, you're gonna say being homeless is super dangerous because those guys get their faces eaten off. Despite the rarity of occurence, your emotions are getting the best of you because of it's severity.
              Perhaps I didn't explain my viewpoint on it well enough. I never said there wasn't other dangerous jobs out there. My opinion on the subject is that officers jobs are not worth the money for what they do everyday. I think it's a shit job, so I'm certainly not glorifying it.

              They deal with societies problem people on a daily basis with constant bullshit and negativity. Murder, assaults, robberies, abuse of all kinds, drugs, child neglect all in addition to the dangerous aspects of the job. It's a shit job and it's no wonder why so many officers are fucked up in the head.


              • JUNE 6--From the Zombie Apocalypse news desk comes word of the arrest of a Louisiana man who bit off a chunk of the face of a victim whom he allegedly battered during a bloody attack Saturday. Accord

                Another zombie attack
                DE OPPRESSO LIBER


                • Originally posted by Steve View Post
                  Perhaps I didn't explain my viewpoint on it well enough. I never said there wasn't other dangerous jobs out there. My opinion on the subject is that officers jobs are not worth the money for what they do everyday. I think it's a shit job, so I'm certainly not glorifying it.

                  They deal with societies problem people on a daily basis with constant bullshit and negativity. Murder, assaults, robberies, abuse of all kinds, drugs, child neglect all in addition to the dangerous aspects of the job. It's a shit job and it's no wonder why so many officers are fucked up in the head.
                  If you think being a cop is a shit job, try telling that to the fisherman, who makes less than half what the cop does.


                  • Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                    If you think being a cop is a shit job, try telling that to the fisherman, who makes less than half what the cop does.
                    Agreed, but at least he doesn't have to listen to people to tell him how to fish by people who don't know how or complain about the food he puts on their table..


                    • Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                      If you think being a cop is a shit job, try telling that to the fisherman, who makes less than half what the cop does.

                      Or a roofer! Talk about a thankless job...


                      • Originally posted by Steve View Post
                        Agreed, but at least he doesn't have to listen to people to tell him how to fish by people who don't know how or complain about the food he puts on their table..

                        I wonder why that is, what with all the dumbass fishermen regularly violating rights and getting on here to defend the other crew members?


                        • Originally posted by mikec View Post
                          Or a roofer! Talk about a thankless job...
                          I see you getting thank you threads quite often.


                          • Originally posted by Steve View Post
                            I see you getting thank you threads quite often.

                            Dammit Steve! lol


                            • Originally posted by talisman View Post
                              I wonder why that is, what with all the dumbass fishermen regularly violating rights and getting on here to defend the other crew members?
                              So, please tell us about the incident that occured when your rights were violated.


                              • Originally posted by Steve View Post
                                So, please tell us about the incident that occured when your rights were violated.

                                Did you just have a minor stroke?

