I haven't read this thread because I can only imagine the typical dark, negative, road it probably went down towards popo but...
We were discussing this in briefing today about bath salts and their zombie state. It is super trippy!!! A hyped up trip like PCP but a taste for blood twist? Man o' man I don't know what I'd do with myself have a real live "zombie" on a call (other then attempt to stop the grotesque assault with more then likely deadly force so to protect the innocent zombie snack.) On my after action review, do I say that I aimed for the head to stop the brain? lol that would be interesting!
Sorry to re-derail this lovely thread from its original topic by bringing it back up. Carry on.
We were discussing this in briefing today about bath salts and their zombie state. It is super trippy!!! A hyped up trip like PCP but a taste for blood twist? Man o' man I don't know what I'd do with myself have a real live "zombie" on a call (other then attempt to stop the grotesque assault with more then likely deadly force so to protect the innocent zombie snack.) On my after action review, do I say that I aimed for the head to stop the brain? lol that would be interesting!
Sorry to re-derail this lovely thread from its original topic by bringing it back up. Carry on.