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Police vs Zombie

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  • Originally posted by talisman View Post
    Cry a fucking river. If you'd stop posting about how much better than everyone you are just because of your dumbass chosen profession all the time maybe you'd earn a shred of respect around here. And before you go off on some bullshit rant about how you don't need validation from anyone on here, I offer up your last post as evidence, officer.
    How do you take time from punching baby kittens to make these posts???


    • did everyone have a good holiday weekend?

      god bless.
      It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


      • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
        How do you take time from punching baby kittens to make these posts???

        I'm practiced at surfing the web one handed. Unlike you though, it isn't from patting myself on the back all the time.


        • Originally posted by ELVIS View Post
          did everyone have a good holiday weekend?

          god bless.
          All but the guy that got his face eaten off.

          Oh, and Eric. He's to busy with is self induced pity party to have a good time.

          He's probably clubbing a baby seal right now!


          • Originally posted by talisman View Post
            I'm practiced at surfing the web one handed.

            Unlike you though, it isn't from patting myself on the back all the time.
            I guess you're a pro at jacking off.....

            When it comes to patting myself on the back, I'm ambidextrous.


            • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
              I guess you're a pro at jacking off.....

              When it comes to patting myself on the back, I'm ambidextrous.

              Wow, you really came through with that. Way to read between the lines, Detective.


              • Originally posted by talisman View Post
                Wow, you really came through with that. Way to read between the lines, Detective.
                That's Mr. Detective to you, junior.....

                Eric, have fun with your next witty retort. I'm going to retire for the evening.

                Don't wait up for my next reply, but I'm sure you blood pressure will be elevated until I do.....


                • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                  That's Mr. Detective to you, junior.....

                  Eric, have fun with your next witty retort. I'm going to retire for the evening.

                  Don't wait up for my next reply, but I'm sure you blood pressure will be elevated until I do.....

                  Be sure to tell Kim I said good night!


                  • Ya know, I hate cops but don't have an issue with Matt. Never will convice me that shooting a zombie first isn't the right choice but other than that, no issues.


                    • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                      The first day on the job was responding to a suicide where a man put a vegetable bag over his face and secured it with a large rubber band after taking an entire blister pack of Sominex.
                      My best friend did the same.


                      • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                        I've been part too many situations to let your feeble attempt at judging me hold any weight.

                        There's a time and place for fear, and overcoming fear is courage. I guess you missed the part where I was a trained Marine at 18 and left the service at 23. I joined the PD at 23 years 9 months. I've been in more situations that you realize, and I've come out pretty well.

                        I do carry emotional scars that I think about from time to time.

                        The first day on the job was responding to a suicide where a man put a vegetable bag over his face and secured it with a large rubber band after taking an entire blister pack of Sominex. He was face down on the bed and had the sheets wadded in his fists. He willed himself to die because his wife filed for divorce.

                        My third month of training I worked a TCU student who committed suicide with a 10 gauge shotgun blast to the head using 3.5" magnum T-shot.

                        I've seen the bodies of children violently ripped apart at crash scenes.

                        You name it, I've probably worked it. Remember the Wedgewood Baptist Church shooting? Yup, I was part of the team that reviewed the video tapes made by the victims.

                        I carry around a LOT of fucked up shit with me, but it's the burden I chose to bear.

                        The latest thing that tore me up was the Valero Capital Murder. Walking in on the victims was horrific. The robbers got the money and still killed two people, one was shot in the head execution style. I don't understand how a person can hold another person's life with so little regard.

                        So Junk, what is it you do for a living?
                        How does any of this have any bearing on the topic at hand? I mean, who gives a fuck? What he does for a living doesn't matter when looking at his ability to criticize yours.


                        • Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                          What he does for a living doesn't matter when looking at his ability to criticize yours.
                          Can't agree there.

                          I'd never take any criticism from a school bus driver seriously for what i do.


                          • What a face-off this has turned into.
                            Originally posted by talisman
                            I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
                            Originally posted by AdamLX
                            If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
                            Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                            Because fuck you, that's why
                            Originally posted by 80coupe
                            nice dick, Idrivea4banger
                            Originally posted by Rick Modena
                            ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
                            Originally posted by Jester
                            Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


                            • Originally posted by racrguy View Post
                              How does any of this have any bearing on the topic at hand? I mean, who gives a fuck? What he does for a living doesn't matter when looking at his ability to criticize yours.
                              When he made the comment that Matt would be "scarred for life."

                              The point he's made is that he has seen much worse. At least that's what I took from it.


                              • Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                                So Junk, what is it you do for a living?
                                Your resume' of the best and worst of everything has zero validity as to whether you could man handle this person. The scars I'm referring to are physical scars. I guarantee you would have been ripped apart. What I do? I tell people like you how to process your emotional scars.

