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  • #31
    Originally posted by BlueCoupeRedVert View Post
    Ever sence I stopped renting it to other family members, I have had 2 great young couples in the house.
    That is something I would never recommend to anyone. Never rent to family or friends.

    As bluecollar mentioned you really cannot trust the PM company to do the checking as they say, unless you find one that cares about more than your monthly money coming in and good luck with that.

    Use a PM to find a leaser and check the property out yourself. Keep communication open with the tenants.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Machx2 View Post
      Well, honestly I thought people just rented because there credit was crap. Why else would you rent a house and not just buy one for a lower monthly payment? I have never rented anything, however, myself and my brothers own a rent house. We use contracts and such, but have never run for credit.
      Ive rented a town home for a year, first year was the first time gf and I got together. Year later we moved into a house two streets over owned by same landlord, now married and family has grown we are planning to buy/build. We will probly stay here till we find something in the same area. We dont want to go to far from our friends and awsome neighbors.

      But her credit was crap cause of her ex when we moved in together.


      • #33
        I Own my home now and was thinking about buying another and moving further into the country and renting mine out but I don't know about going through all this .. I have seen people trash some rent homes


        • #34
          Originally posted by Hines57 View Post
          I Own my home now and was thinking about buying another and moving further into the country and renting mine out but I don't know about going through all this .. I have seen people trash some rent homes
          Sell it.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Hines57 View Post
            I Own my home now and was thinking about buying another and moving further into the country and renting mine out but I don't know about going through all this .. I have seen people trash some rent homes
            That's what I did. I told myself I never wanted to become a landlord, but somewhere along the way I convinced myself otherwise. So far, I have only had to put about $1500 into getting the house ready and a lot of that were 1 time repairs I would have done to the house anyway whether I kept it or chose to sell it.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Frank View Post
              That's what I did. I told myself I never wanted to become a landlord, but somewhere along the way I convinced myself otherwise. So far, I have only had to put about $1500 into getting the house ready and a lot of that were 1 time repairs I would have done to the house anyway whether I kept it or chose to sell it.
              Me and the wife have discussed this for a while . I have seen so many people trashing rent houses im almost afraid to even do it. But I'm not sure about selling a house right now in this market. My neighbor 2 houses down has had their home listed for 2 years and dropped the price 20k do far


              • #37
                I have rented houses before simply because I did not want to own a house before I could pay cash for it.

                Personally I would never show ANYONE my tax returns and I would NEVER let anyone run my credit report. This is because I am a privacy nut and running a credit report runs a huge flag up the pole declaring to the world "Here I am". I also turn on my utilities using an alias and a large cash deposit.

                I have even paid the full term of a lease up front before to avoid having to do a credit report. I am the best tenant in the world and have left many properties in much better shape then I found them; adding security doors front and back, ripping out carpet and putting down tile, redoing bathrooms, adding impact resistant windows in critical locations, etc.
                Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by 347Mike View Post
                  QUick question about evicting. I was told this a few years ago and in Florida so Texas law might be slightly different. I heard if you wanted to get someone out the easiest way would be to raise the rent and they would end up going out on their own.

                  Does that sound right? Can you do that?
                  Well the reason your evicting them is pretty likely to be nonpayment in the first place so how would raising the price help?

                  I've heard of that tactic when the landlord wanted to bulldoze the house or move someone else they like better into the place.
                  2004 Z06 Commemorative Ed.


                  • #39
                    I may have found some good renters if they fill out the application. They seemed eager to do so even after talking through all the requirements. Now my question is related to what kind of questions can you ask previous landlords or current employers?
                    They currently live in an apartment for the past 6 years and claim they have never been late and have a good history there. Both have been employed at their jobs 2 - 6 years each. They didn't balk about me asking to see a tax return to verify income. They were fine with me calling for references. They admitted they don't have the best of credit having both of them been divorced. That didn't bother me though if the work and rental history is as good as they say.


                    • #40
                      More power to you, I couldnt deal with renters. Sounds like a epic PITA.


                      • #41
                        Take the time to put up with this now, and not after you have them in your house. Pick people with decent credit. Don't settle for shitty borrowers.
                        "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
                        "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


                        • #42

                          Thought I had a great family lined up. We were going to meet yesterday afternoon and they were coming with cashier's checks and the lease to sign. Twenty minutes before I left my house, I texted them and said I was on my way but about 10 minutes late. They txt back "let us know when you are on your way." I txt back that I am. I get there and 10 minutes later after they should have been there the guy calls and says his Dad was being rushed to the ER they think he had a stroke. No problem, I wish them the best and contact me tomorrow and let me know what they want to do. Today they text back that his Dad isn't doing well so they aren't going to get the house. Hard to tell if someone is just back peddling or what especially if they claim a family member is ill. At this point I am going to go through a company to list and screen.


                          • #43
                            Rental properties are becoming more and more popular. Less are purchasing, more are renting, at least in my real estate experience, based in Keller.

                            Detailing by Dylan
                            Ask about the Pre-Spring special


                            • #44
                              Where is this rental property? Where is it listed?
                              "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man." - Thomas Jefferson, 1776

