This is our first (november 21st due date) and I want to cut the cord then hold him up high and pronounce a SON/DAUGHTER is BORN!!!! Then hand him/her to the mother and say, "remember I gave this to you".
Currently I do not want to see the wifes vagina in that state but a friend of mine said the same thing and when the doctor said the head was out he had to watch and said it was the most beautiful thing he had ever witnessed. In less than 4 weeks I'll probably be front and center too...still unsure.
With had a c-section and I watched it while keeping the wife cool. After the first came out though and I heard it crying I got excited and could not wait for the second to come out. Once I heard her crying, I was all about checking out the babies.
I'll admit though, when the docs saw me looking over the curtain with her opened up...they gave me an "Oh shit look." Admittedly, I thought for sure I'd hate it - but given the situation it was nothing like that. Wife was calm, but oddly they were sucking all her inside stuff into a bucket thing right beside her head. That was a poor place for it in my opinion.
Originally posted by MR EDD
U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.
On my first kid I was fucking planted by my wife's ear, I didn't want to see a damn thing. Made the mistake of walking around to get her some ice pre-delivery and it looked like her box had been beat by Holyfield and chewed on by Tyson.
I've said, and don't back off of this one bit, the 6-8 weeks recovery time after delivery is not for the woman, it is for the man to mentally heal after witnessing such horror.
#2 I saw the head and was done.
#3 was old hat and I put the placenta over my face to relieve aliens, much to the dismay of all in the delivery room.
Only pushed 6 mins. I stood by my wife's head. There were 17 nurses and docs in the room. When it was showtime they retracted this massive contraption from the ceiling with mirrors and lights that looked Loire a cross between an alien birth and a bad porno flick. The way everything was spread out and on display for everyone to see was crazy.
Only pushed 6 mins. I stood by my wife's head. There were 17 nurses and docs in the room. When it was showtime they retracted this massive contraption from the ceiling with mirrors and lights that looked Loire a cross between an alien birth and a bad porno flick. The way everything was spread out and on display for everyone to see was crazy.
Congrats! Your life is never going to be the same again.
Didn't have a choice - my son's heart rate stopped and the doctors wheeled my wife out and had him out in a matter of seconds. I wouldn't watch down there though. Congrats to the op!
Originally posted by davbrucas
I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.
Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?
You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.