I have a hell of a story driving from Camp Lejeune to DFW back in 1999. It involved a Surburban with a blowed up 6.2 diesel in the middle of nowhere Alabama, a CJ5, fireworks, a U-haul box truck, gambling, and no sleep for 40+ hrs.
I have done Bedford to Greenville and Columbia S.C. back and forth. Each time driving straight through. I could not make very good time in a 89 Grand AM towing a trailer but my best time was 23h50min from the time I locked my house door here, flew to Greenville, hopped in the car and drove back here. Not bad IMO.
<--Used to play against Newbern in H.S. football.
After coming home from the Corps I drove a two of my friends cars back to Camp Pendleton & flew back. My dad bought a '79 Trans Am that was in Sacramento, I flew out & drove it back. Had a few top speed runs across the desert .
Done the trip to Fort Bragg, NC more times than I care to remember. Shittiest was either the time I did it on a ZX6R or hungover from Austin on New Year's Day.