For what it's worth doesn't marriage predate Christianity as an exchange of property which early Christianity adopted and is somewhere in the bible? I could have sworn I read something about this before reaching the age of reason.
For what it's worth doesn't marriage predate Christianity as an exchange of property which early Christianity adopted and is somewhere in the bible? I could have sworn I read something about this before reaching the age of reason.
I'm willing to look at that if you can find the information. And anyone who doesn't like what NC is doing, the answer really is simple.
Remove the power to license from the government. If it's not licensed, it's game on for everyone. I'm actually pretty pissed I can't have more than one wife.
Remove the power to license from the government. If it's not licensed, it's game on for everyone. I'm actually pretty pissed I can't have more than one wife.
I've read this somewhere before, but I can't put my finger on it.
I'm willing to look at that if you can find the information. And anyone who doesn't like what NC is doing, the answer really is simple.
Remove the power to license from the government. If it's not licensed, it's game on for everyone. I'm actually pretty pissed I can't have more than one wife.
I could be wrong, the information I'm talking about is in the bible, I think. My childhood was a little abnormal and there were times when I had to read the bible off and on. Spending that much time with it is what made me a non-believer. No disrespect to those who do, to each their own. Anyways, just something I think I read.
Yeah, I don't think the gov't should be in people's marriages in the first place. I don't know what the history is on that or how it started, but WTF?! LAND OF THE FREE!!! pffft
Different thread, but FWIW, what I read in the bible, how the bible seems to represent Christianity/Christ's life/Christ's teachings pretty clearly, seems to be quite different than how the Political Christian Right and Christian talking heads in this country seem to portray it. It's like when someone says "What the bible is saying here, with this words isn't what it seems like, what it really means is XYZ." I always thought it meant what it said and anyone who said otherwise was changing it to fit their personal beliefs.
Yeah, I don't think the gov't should be in people's marriages in the first place.
If I could figure out how to bold, I would. That is exactly my point. My personal opinion really doesn't matter to anyone outside of the person I decide to pair with.
And for expressing that, I've been accused of quite a bit but I'm okay with it as I've heard worse. If you're going to say government has the authority to have a say in marriages, one way or the other, you're going to have to accept the decisions they make with that authority. I'm all for government staying out of everyone's life with the exception of the enumerated powers and amendments.
That said, I seriously would enjoy two wives. I can see the appeal in it and have been toying with the idea of LDS. But that's another topic.
Different thread, but FWIW, what I read in the bible, how the bible seems to represent Christianity/Christ's life/Christ's teachings pretty clearly, seems to be quite different than how the Political Christian Right and Christian talking heads in this country seem to portray it. It's like when someone says "What the bible is saying here, with this words isn't what it seems like, what it really means is XYZ." I always thought it meant what it said and anyone who said otherwise was changing it to fit their personal beliefs.
Just my thoughts.
You're right. People take Christ's words and meanings out of context all of the time. You can't pull a verse and hold it up without pulling entire chapters around it and before it. You can't look at what Christ said without looking at why he said it and the precedent for it in the Old Testament
I'm willing to look at that if you can find the information. And anyone who doesn't like what NC is doing, the answer really is simple.
Remove the power to license from the government. If it's not licensed, it's game on for everyone. I'm actually pretty pissed I can't have more than one wife.
Conventional marriage was originally a public proclamation that a woman was giving up claim to her family's inheritance and pledging to accept her husband's fortune alone.
You mean like affirmative action laws now? Yes, if it was a business that was doing it, absolutely. Going to have to go with Paul on this one. Damn I hate agreeing with him
Those are shitty for whole different reasons. You're not focusing on the subject at hand, and still bringing up issues that don't relate to it. Keep trying.