LOL... was about to ask if this pic was taken in the 80's...
Back when DFWS was a snail mail list, and people hand wrote their smack talk.. I heard whiteboy used to just cut paragraphs out of Highlights Magazine and send them around...
Was actually able to get some shots of Cadillac Ranch without any people in the way. I had maybe 5 minutes of the site to myself. I knew it would be a pain in the ass since I was there on a Saturday afternoon, but it's a lot easier to enjoy something like this when you don't have a gaggle of mouth breathers walking around pointing out the obvious.
Then I was off to Roswell. I'm a pretty big post WW2 pop culture buff, so this town has been on my want to visit list for pretty much the last 15 years.
Town Hall.
I went out to one of the alleged crash sites. I did a lot of research on this before leaving, and most info I could find had no less than THREE possible sites, and some were not accessible due to property ownership, others said 4wd only. I looked around trying to find a place to rent a Wrangler before I left to no avail, and then just decided I would roll the dice.
I went through a pretty crazy off road trail, taking my Mustang with its ZR rated tires over terrain that was not in the least bit sensible, including climbing some hills that were.... Not a good idea. When I got to this, I knew the attempt was done for.
As I was leaving on the gravel road, the Rolling Stones rotated through my iPod playing You Can't Always Get What You Want. I kind of had to start laughing. I hadn't gotten to see the site, but the adventure of trying to get to it gave me "What I need"ed and put me in a great mood.
I was heading back into town and caught a row of Tri-Fives out of the corner of my eye and turned around.
This poor thing used to be a two door hardtop.
Then I went to the International UFO Museum and Research Center. LOL, it was actually pretty cool, with some cheese thrown in. You can tell that they really get a kick out of it. There is alien themed logos thrown into stuff all over town, and this place certainly didn't hold back even the absurd, mixed with some pretty decent displays with good info on reports through the last 100 years.
Then I rounded up my dog and headed West. I ended up missing a turn off and wound up in some mountains in central New Mexico. It ended up being a great accidental excursion.