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In market for a new grill - help

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  • In market for a new grill - help

    Iv had the same gas grill now for years and years. Never really grilled a ton in the past, but Im really starting to get into it a little more and want to buy a new grill.

    my grill now is messed up, the part where the flames come out has torn and now the flames come out HUGE and not really spread out correctly so its tough to grill on it.

    my question is, what is a good grill? I dont want to pay $1000 or anything, but like something that would work nicely. Should I go with gas again? charcoal? or what are these egg type things? I know they are expensive, but just kinda curious?

    Id really like a smoker and a grill, are there good combo grills out there?


  • #2
    $100 and its yours!



    • #3
      Irving mall or Duncanville pawn shop.


      • #4
        I was really looking more for advice on what "type" of grill to get...


        • #5

          Explore BeefEater Australia's wide range of portable, built-in and free-standing barbecues and accessories. Life's better outdoors.


          • #6
            I recently bought the Chargriller Duo 5050 from Lowes. It's really useful because it has both Gas and Charcoal options. Also, you can buy a side box to turn it into a smoker (how well it works for this, I don't know).



            • #7
              I love my Weber Performer 22" charcoal grill. It can be used as a smoker, but not really all that efficient at it. I'm about to get either a WSM or a cheap offset smoker to use for smoking.

              Originally posted by sc281
              Always better to be an Uncle than a Father. All the fun stuff and none of the expensive stuff.
              Originally posted by Trick Pony
              ...from what I've seen on here bcoop knows his shit when it comes to smoking meat.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Kenny_Stang View Post
                I recently bought the Chargriller Duo 5050 from Lowes. It's really useful because it has both Gas and Charcoal options. Also, you can buy a side box to turn it into a smoker (how well it works for this, I don't know).

                i've got that same grill, with the smoker box. The smoker option works well enough, although a little smoke leaks out around the lid of the cooking chamber. But it hasn't affected the cooking imo. Other than that no complaints about it, at all. The gas side works great, and I like the fact the charcoal height is adjustable to suit your cooking needs. And to top it off, Lowes will sometimes have this grill on sale for $200.

                But I'm sure one of the grill bullies will be in this thread soon enough to tell you a grill isn't shit unless you spend thousands on a custom made unit.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 03trubluGT
                  Your opinion is what sucks.
                  You are too stupied and arrogant


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 00bolt View Post
                    Iv had the same gas grill now for years and years. Never really grilled a ton in the past, but Im really starting to get into it a little more and want to buy a new grill.

                    my grill now is messed up, the part where the flames come out has torn and now the flames come out HUGE and not really spread out correctly so its tough to grill on it.

                    my question is, what is a good grill? I dont want to pay $1000 or anything, but like something that would work nicely. Should I go with gas again? charcoal? or what are these egg type things? I know they are expensive, but just kinda curious?

                    Id really like a smoker and a grill, are there good combo grills out there?

                    FWIW, you can usually buy parts for your existing grill.. The burners and heat deflector things are usually pretty interchangeable.


                    • #11
                      I have to say you seriously get what you pay for. If you want to spend under $500 on a grill you'll be replacing burners and other shit after a year or two, and that's even if you keep it covered. Been there.

                      Spend $800-1000+ on a quality, heavy grill. Take care of it and it will last you many many years of use.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Roscoe View Post
                        I have to say you seriously get what you pay for. If you want to spend under $500 on a grill you'll be replacing burners and other shit after a year or two, and that's even if you keep it covered. Been there.

                        Spend $800-1000+ on a quality, heavy grill. Take care of it and it will last you many many years of use.
                        This... I went with a Weber Genesis e310 and love it, at $700 I think it has been a good value.


                        • #13
                          I like my brinkman get alot of use out of it. Its a charcoal grill.


                          • #14
                            I've got a ten year old Weber Genesis Platinum that's been a great grill. If you don't want to spend a ton, Weber's are a good option.


                            • #15
                              Whether you get charcoal or gas get a Weber. If you get gas don't get the Spirit series. Get Genesis or Summit depending on how much you want to spend. If a brand new Genesis is too much then go get a nice used one from craigslist.

