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neighbor issues

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  • #46
    Originally posted by racrguy View Post
    The moving company website. I'm not going to dig for a link, but that shit would annoy the hell out of me.
    If you really want to annoy the crap out of someone, go to and fill in a name and their phone number, they will instantly get 30 fucken calls within 30 minutes from every moving company known to man. Apparently some idiot named Christine is moving, and can't type her fucken number correctly. I

    This works like a charm. I use it quite often.


    • #47
      Reminds me of my neighbors in Anna. 3 cunty sisters that lived together, started feeding one of my rottweilers under the fence, the dog dug under and because 'they were terrified' they just opened the gate and let her run. Never saw her again and one of them had the audacity to say we should have stopped them from digging and it wasn't their responsibility to return the dog.

      As we were moving, a ton of weed seeds, roundup concentrate overspray and rock salt were cast over the fence. Gratefully some of the effects were visible immediately.


      • #48
        Originally posted by SMKR View Post
        Free Craigslist appliances were 100 times worse than moving or auto shipping. Buddies have pulled all three of those pranks on me and by far the free Craigslist ad for free appliances was the worst. I had over 400 texts and over 150 phone calls in about 8 hours until it was flagged and gone
        yes this absolutely sucks...anything with the word FREE attached to it and people will blow someones phone up trying to get it.

        If you wanted to be more of a ass about the situation....
        1.) throw something in her yard that will kill the grass
        2.) get all the nudity magazine subscriptions you can mailed to her house
        3.) have a GTG at your house, I am sure just the number of people showing up would drive her crazy
        4.) I would definately do the craigslist thing just for personal satisfaction
        5.) post her number....I hear some people are looking for Chuck.

        If you wanted to be more civil about the situation...
        1.) get a copy of the code from the city about your rights/responsibilities/etc for building your fence and storage bldg.
        2.) get a copy of the penalties for placing mail in someone's mailbox that is not an authorized mail carrier.
        3.) if you have an attorney have them draft a letter similar to hers on their letterhead and include all other documents from the two above.
        4.) call her and tell her you wish to speak with her
        5.) hand her the letters along with freshly made batch of cookies and thank her for her time and consideration.(that killin with kindness thing)


        • #49
          Originally posted by jefehbk View Post
          yes this absolutely sucks...anything with the word FREE attached to it and people will blow someones phone up trying to get it.

          If you wanted to be more of a ass about the situation....
          1.) throw something in her yard that will kill the grass
          2.) get all the nudity magazine subscriptions you can mailed to her house
          3.) have a GTG at your house, I am sure just the number of people showing up would drive her crazy
          4.) I would definately do the craigslist thing just for personal satisfaction
          5.) post her number....I hear some people are looking for Chuck.

          If you wanted to be more civil about the situation...
          1.) get a copy of the code from the city about your rights/responsibilities/etc for building your fence and storage bldg.
          2.) get a copy of the penalties for placing mail in someone's mailbox that is not an authorized mail carrier.
          3.) if you have an attorney have them draft a letter similar to hers on their letterhead and include all other documents from the two above.
          4.) call her and tell her you wish to speak with her
          5.) hand her the letters along with freshly made batch of cookies and thank her for her time and consideration.(that killin with kindness thing)
          Man, fuck that. Cookies cost money, and you know a bitch of that magnitude is just going to throw them away.


          • #50
            Originally posted by racrguy View Post
            Man, fuck that. Cookies cost money, and you know a bitch of that magnitude is just going to throw them away.
            She'll claim that he's trying to kill her.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Cooter View Post
              pray for her death
              This doesn't work. Or I'm doing it wrong.


              • #52
                Call her bluff and park near her mailbox


                • #53
                  do a background check on her using name/address/phone and see waht you can dig up. never know what you may find, if it's good enough you could make a sign with her criminal or questionable history written on it and place it in your front yard for all to see.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Stephen View Post
                    line 3 of the note is the biggest problem
                    I do not think she actually saw a lawyer because all the info is made up. I went to the city and they told me everything was false.

                    Originally posted by talisman View Post
                    Start throwing marijuana seeds in her front gardens. The problem will eventually solve itself.
                    lol thats a great idea

                    Originally posted by mikec View Post
                    She could be older but doable!
                    shes really not lol

                    Originally posted by TRAXX View Post
                    Sounds like someone that has too much time on their hands. Just make sure you have copies of the related code, make sure the contractor follows it and ignore her. If she comes over to bitch tell her you dont appreciate her coming over "unannounced" and then hand her copies of the code. And lol about her contacting a real estate attorney about your plans to DESTROY the fence. Nothing but scare tactics.
                    She never comes out and says anything. When i told her about replacing the fence she went back in. When i was out picking up my old fence and loading in the truck, she came out and grabbed her little 20.00 grill and moved it inside. I waved and she said nothing lol

                    Originally posted by Baron View Post
                    Throw a big ass party, live band and the whole deal. Get a noise permit first, so that when she calls the cops, you are clear.

                    After she does, politely walk over and ask if she would like this to be a weekly party, or if she would like to straighten up and be a good neighbor.
                    the misses loves this idea. You are invited for sure

                    Originally posted by Baron View Post
                    Is chuck there?
                    I was thinking the same thing. Is that illegal at all? lol
                    Originally posted by Baron
                    If I dissagree with you, it is because you are wrong.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by jefehbk View Post
                      yes this absolutely sucks...anything with the word FREE attached to it and people will blow someones phone up trying to get it.

                      If you wanted to be more of a ass about the situation....
                      1.) throw something in her yard that will kill the grass
                      2.) get all the nudity magazine subscriptions you can mailed to her house
                      3.) have a GTG at your house, I am sure just the number of people showing up would drive her crazy
                      4.) I would definately do the craigslist thing just for personal satisfaction
                      5.) post her number....I hear some people are looking for Chuck.

                      If you wanted to be more civil about the situation...
                      1.) get a copy of the code from the city about your rights/responsibilities/etc for building your fence and storage bldg.
                      2.) get a copy of the penalties for placing mail in someone's mailbox that is not an authorized mail carrier.
                      3.) if you have an attorney have them draft a letter similar to hers on their letterhead and include all other documents from the two above.
                      4.) call her and tell her you wish to speak with her
                      5.) hand her the letters along with freshly made batch of cookies and thank her for her time and consideration.(that killin with kindness thing)
                      Allthough the first 5 are great ideas I also do not want to break the law on anything. The second five most likely will be done.

                      thanks for the responses. Funny and serious. I have some good ideas I was just hoping I could do more. Maybe i can do a couple of these ideas and at least get her to leave me alone.

                      Ps I did move my fence in a little bit because I was extending a section for a storage shed. It actually worked out better like that and now she has a pretty good size gap between my fence and hers so her backyard is completly open just like she wanted.
                      Originally posted by Baron
                      If I dissagree with you, it is because you are wrong.


                      • #56
                        I would have waited for hers to be put up. Then just run your sides a inch from hers. As long as its not touching your good.


                        • #57
                          i just moved and my neighbors are awesome. all of them are young white couples. i am glad i dont have dick neighbors.
                          ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


                          • #58
                            Paint the side facing her neon pink with bright green smiley faces just to piss her off
                            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Sleeper View Post
                              I would have waited for hers to be put up. Then just run your sides a inch from hers. As long as its not touching your good.
                              Well mine was about to fall down and thats why I wanted to replace it.

                              Originally posted by matts5.0 View Post
                              i just moved and my neighbors are awesome. all of them are young white couples. i am glad i dont have dick neighbors.
                              Thats what kills me here, all the other nieghbors are great. Very nice, helpfull exc. None of them even knew her name. Thats how isolated she is. One neighbor told me that 10 years ago when the kids across the street were 8,9,10ish she would get in a uproar when a football went in to her front yard. Shes just a bitter old woman that hates her life.

                              Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                              Paint the side facing her neon pink with bright green smiley faces just to piss her off
                              lol some buddies of mine at work said to do this, The sad part is I dont want to mess up my new fence
                              Originally posted by Baron
                              If I dissagree with you, it is because you are wrong.


                              • #60
                                Im lucky and never have had to deal with this type of bs.

                                Im glad i live in the sticks, and ill give anyone i dont want here to get bent. Ever caught state wildlife officials trespassing with out permission. They left rather quickly once i was done.

