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neighbor issues

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  • neighbor issues

    I bought my first home right at a year ago. all the neighbors are fantastic except for the one right next to me. she has been rude and mean to everyone in the neighborhood for the last 8 years she has been here (according to the other neighbors). I have spoken to her one time in a year and that was her telling me not to park my cars near her mailbox at anytime. Then a couple weeks ago I knock on her door to let her know that I have plans to replace my entire fence including the common fence between us. She was very aggitated from the beginning and i proceeded to let her know that I was not asking for any money because this is my project. She informs me that as long as I am "within my rights" I can do what i need to do. Well a few days later I get home and the letter below is taped to my door and a copy is in my mailbox. I go to the city of mesquite and they tell me all this info is false. Mesquite does not have property markers or such codes for sheds exc. On to the next thing. I started removing my fence on wednsday so i could have it put up this weekend. that night at about 11:00 the cops are at my house. She had called them for a noise complaint. It was me and my wife and two friends sitting on my patio. The cops appologized numerous times about having to come out. They said we were not in any violations. The cop hinted to the fact that he has had a lot of false calls from her over the years. My question after all this is what are my options with this bitter lady before things get worse. I do not wnat the cops at my house every weekend. I have documentation of the police call and copies of the letter she put in my mailbox. Thanks for any advice on this.

    Originally posted by Baron
    If I dissagree with you, it is because you are wrong.

  • #2
    Please make the pic smaller.


    • #3
      Her grammar is atrocious, and she reminds me of my old neighbor. As for dealing with her, just make sure you pull the permit on the fence and build that fence exactly where it currently is and as high as I could.


      • #4
        Originally posted by mikec View Post
        Please make the pic smaller.
        I don't know how that will help his situation with this lady.

        I suggest you judo chop her in the throat.

        But on a serious side I have nothing. I'd just make things as difficult and annoying as possible for her. I would think if she keeps calling the cops for BS they'll eventually fine her and she'll learn to STFU. Also i would suggest you get a lawyer friend write up the correct legal info on a letter head and post it on her door and mailbox.

        Or you could do like all the other people before you.... move. ( I wouldn't)


        • #5
          Judging by the detail of that letter I think it's safe to assume this is one frigid bitch.

          Get the name of the police officer that knows the situation for future reference if the police show up again and establish a history within the department so that she has a tough time pushing any misdemeanors on you. 'Bout all you can do unless you've got HOA.
          Tera 4:1 + 4.88's = Slowest rig on here


          • #6
            You should have Hook 'Em pay her a visit.


            • #7
              Guessing she is old and butt ugly.
              Originally posted by MR EDD
              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


              • #8
                I think it's against the law for anyone, other than the USPS, to place letters, flyers, etc in the mailbox...look into that and press the issue.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GeorgeG. View Post
                  I think it's against the law for anyone, other than the USPS, to place letters, flyers, etc in the mailbox...look into that and press the issue.
                  I'm not sure, but he may have been missing mail!
                  Originally posted by MR EDD
                  U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by GeorgeG. View Post
                    I think it's against the law for anyone, other than the USPS, to place letters, flyers, etc in the mailbox...look into that and press the issue.
                    It is a felony. Try getting someone to press charges though, won't happen.

                    In my experience the only thing that will make her stop is pressing charges against her. Otherwise you go through the hell that my wife and I endured for years with my old neighbor.


                    • #11
                      line 3 of the note is the biggest problem


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Stephen View Post
                        line 3 of the note is the biggest problem
                        No it's not. She is saying destroy, he is saying replace. Destroy implies that nothing will be put back into place. She's in left field and has no ground on which to stand.


                        • #13
                          I would plant Red Tips on your property line along with the fence. Out of sight out of mind I say!
                          GOD BLESS TEXAS
                          August Landscaping
                          Seb's high class.
                          He'll mow your grass.
                          He'll kick your ass.
                          And while his kidney stones pass,
                          He'll piss in a glass!


                          • #14
                            Start throwing marijuana seeds in her front gardens. The problem will eventually solve itself.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by GeorgeG. View Post
                              I think it's against the law for anyone, other than the USPS, to place letters, flyers, etc in the mailbox...look into that and press the issue.
                              Pretty sure you're correct. My Dads neighbor chased some dude in Double Oak because he stuck some political BS in his box. Apparently he chased him, cut him off, hard, then proceeded to curse him out and threaten to call to fuzz. The guy was shitting his pants. Later, at a town meeting, he found out it was the new mayor. LOL!

                              Originally posted by talisman View Post
                              Start throwing marijuana seeds in her front gardens. The problem will eventually solve itself.
                              Maybe he should throw some diamond rings and money while he's at it.

