I have no idea who this "Tyrone" guy is but I can guaran"DAMN"tee you I can get more girls in my sleep than he can on his best days.
So like The Rock says.... "Know your role and SHUT your mouth". And if you want a girl, just ask. I'm sure I' know plenty and with enough alcohol and some luck, you might just get one...
Coming from a Canadian: Why in the hell would you go to Montreal over Toronto? Im from Sault Ste. Marie where I still have family, some also in Mississauga(GTA). Also have been to Montreal and will hopefully avoid it from here on out lol. I used to go out to Peace River, AB and visit my dad, beautiful amazing plac.e
How about Vancouver? Why? Cause fuck the french canadians... that's why.
This. I'm in Montreal for the first time and the city has a very stuffy vibe. It feels like they're forcing French down your throat, nothing is in English. News flash, Montreal. You're in fucking Canada. After day one, not very impressed. Vancouver kicks this places ass.
Go to Montreal, its beautiful there. If you drive north about an hour, there some beautiful sights in the mountains. I spent a lot of time at the bombardier aerospace in Mirabel, just north of Montreal. We stay in a small city of Saint-Sauveur north of Mirabel. It is a small ski city in the winter and stunning. In August it never gets over 70 degrees. Mostly french is spoken there, but everybody does speak English. If you like the feel of Europe, Montreal is as close to that on North America as you can get.