oh shit, i just remembered that you went on a tirade about someone else getting banned and how don svo was the "only mod you could trust"(even though he told me that HE was the one that banned your buddy you were flipping out about). then some low blows were posted and you wanted your account deleted. you even sent myself and other mods pm's asking us to delete all your stuff
if this site is so shitty that you wanted your account deleted, then why even come back? and no this is not an attack on you, just saying that after what has happened in the past, it is ALWAYS going to get brought back up, even if it is some low blow fucked up shit. you know nothing is off limits here
i'm done with this thread, have fun idriveatacotruck
lol, nah ill leave the fun for the morning crew. im about to crash out.........
Originally posted by talisman
I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
Originally posted by AdamLX
If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
Originally posted by Broncojohnny
Because fuck you, that's why
Originally posted by 80coupe
nice dick, Idrivea4banger
Originally posted by Rick Modena
......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
Originally posted by Jester
Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.
That's a way to look at it i guess. Nevermind the fact that it makes you look like a giant douche. I could understand if it was funny or even something stupid. I have posted so much stupid shit on this site that anyone could pick fun at, why? Its not even funny. That would be like you talking shit and making fun on people that post about losing family members, shits not funny man, I have yet to meet someone that thinks that it is.
It's a dick move, I don't understand why its funny.
Why don't you go comment on the thread where the guy was posting about losing his son a few years back? I'm sure people will be rolling.. And that guy will whoop your ass.
That's a way to look at it i guess. Nevermind the fact that it makes you look like a giant douche. I could understand if it was funny or even something stupid. I have posted so much stupid shit on this site that anyone could pick fun at, why? Its not even funny. That would be like you talking shit and making fun on people that post about losing family members, shits not funny man, I have yet to meet someone that thinks that it is.
It's a dick move, I don't understand why its funny.
Why don't you go comment on the thread where the guy was posting about losing his son a few years back? I'm sure people will be rolling.. And that guy will whoop your ass.
you still dont get it, do you?? you dont think before you post. you made it too easy. when you realized what you had posted you backpedaled and deleted your posts. of course you're going to get called out on that shit.
oh and dont try to compare your situation to someone losing their son. this is nothing like it you dumb fuck. no one on here jokes about shit like that. we only wish darwinism catches up to idiots like you. the gene pool would appreciate it.
Originally posted by talisman
I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
Originally posted by AdamLX
If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
Originally posted by Broncojohnny
Because fuck you, that's why
Originally posted by 80coupe
nice dick, Idrivea4banger
Originally posted by Rick Modena
......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
Originally posted by Jester
Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.
you still dont get it, do you?? you dont think before you post. you made it too easy. when you realized what you had posted you backpedaled and deleted your posts. of course you're going to get called out on that shit.
oh and dont try to compare your situation to someone losing their son. this is nothing like it you dumb fuck. no one on here jokes about shit like that. we only wish darwinism catches up to idiots like you. the gene pool would appreciate it.
I understand it's not of equal comparison but you get the point I made.
You're a peice of shit, there Isnt humor to be had in it.
I have no issue with the content of my post, the altercation like this is what I was trying to avoid. All because you think you have to be a cook kid.
To you it may not seem like a big deal, but its still something you show respect for.
You forget how it works, you can judge people and claim Darwinism when the person is at fault. You can't take random unfortunate events and claim darwinism, and you sure don't make fun of the situation.
Why is that hard to grasp? I bet you were one of the guys saying teamjacobs kid has aids too huh? Remember that shit?
Look man it's pretty simple, there are certain things you just don't fuck with.
Unless you can explain to me why me and my family lost every last thing we had besides the clothes on our backs and the little we had stored in a camping trailer, then I suggest you keep those comments to yourself. It's not like we had much to begin with, but if you had to start from zero with zero how would you deal with it? Would you take kindly to people making fun of you for it? Get in my shoes for a minute and understand a little.
Deleting my posts has nothing to do with this situation at hand.
I don't post like i used too. Trying to stay under the radar. Some dickhead comes in and starts saying some off the wall bullshit, so I'd rather just delete it in hopes on not ruining a thread.
I see you are all prominent on fucking this thread up, so be it. I made a contributing post with nothing to hide, and in good nature just like everyone else.
If there is a problem with that, you can go fuck yourself because that's horseshit, and you know it.
What happened to staying in the garage, fuckwad? I thought we hurt your feelings so you were only going to post in there and not post outside it anymore.
And no I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm looking for an explanation on why it's so damn funny.
It's not funny. You still haven't learned that anything you post on the boards is fair game (outside a few unwritten rules.) Go cry to Don some more, pussy.
What happened to staying in the garage, fuckwad? I thought we hurt your feelings so you were only going to post in there and not post outside it anymore.
It's not funny. You still haven't learned that anything you post on the boards is fair game (outside a few unwritten rules.) Go cry to Don some more, pussy.
Lol, so that's the explanation?
Well that's just about as bright as I figured it would be.
i dont even know you 91coupemike, but you seem like a whiny attention whore bitch.... you say you didnt want to derail the thread but you have done just that by responding to the people that picked on you. THey did it cause they knew youd have some stupid ass reply and wanted some cheap entertainment.
your not doing a good job at staying under the radar sir