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Next time I'll kill your f***ing dog with my hands

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  • #61
    Yes it was.
    Whos your Daddy?


    • #62
      I hope Rachel is better, want me to kill dog?

      Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
      my wife was out running errands this morning and while in our neighborhood on the way home she saw a dog wandering around. Another neighbor was walking down the street so my wife stopped to ask of she knew the dog's owner. It had tags and looked friendly (pit bull/cropped ear/ak47) but as they approached he changed his tune. He charged from the top of the driveway into the street where they were.

      My wife turned to run. He latched onto her calf and took her down. She managed to kick loose and the dog ran away but the damage was done. The teeth went right through her pants and the canines sunk in at least an inch.

      One trip to the ER later and here we are.

      Not sure what will happen in the end other than us not paying a fucking dime for any of it.

      Fuuuuuuuck. I would have loved to break that dog's neck.

      This is the back of her calf.*
      Now story is credible


      • #63
        Labs were some of the most fiercely territorial dogs I encountered.

        Dogs on chains are worse. They're usually really pissed off so you steer clear. If you're going to approach a stray dog, or even more so if your entering its' territory, have a simple barrier. Something in your hands to protect yourself, especially a woman.

        Everone's first reaction is to "oh shit" and panic when the dog charges. You should treat every dog the same and always suspect an attack. Not to be paranoid, just prepared for that scenerio. Realize you can gain submission.

        After you've had a few charge you, it will become second nature. This is what I have learned, just sharing some wisdom.


        • #64
          Originally posted by DON SVO View Post
          If the dog was in the street when it but her, none. If she had gotten to the owner's driveway and it bit her on the owner's property she was in the wrong. Honestly, though, if she admits she approached the dog on the property the owner of the dog could be a cocksucker and have her cited for trespassing. I think it would be a petty thing to do, but I also feel that the homeowner shouldn't be liable for his dog protecting the house (pending the dog got out on it's own and bit her on it's property).

          My point is simple, don't approach a strange dog when there's not an owner/handler to be found. Again, I'm not trying to say she deserved to be bitten... but she drove up to the front of the house and started approaching it... that's the dog's house and the dog defended it with very minimal collateral damage.
          There has to be written notice that entry is forbidden, or verbal notice given and the person be given a chance to evacuate.


          • #65
            Sorry, I was out of the loop for the weekend at a friend's ranch.

            I say she "approached" the dog... her and the neighbor lady were still in the middle of the street when he started his charge. They had taken <5 steps toward it, starting on the opposite side. When I arrived her car was on the opposite side of the street (where she parked originally) and she was on the curb next to the car (with the car between her and the house the dog came from).

            It charged down the driveway and into the street. She turned to run. He chased across the street half way into the front yard across the street where he caught her and took her down. She had to crawl back to her car to get her phone.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Jimbo View Post
              I have never understood people who just let their dog roam outside alone in the 'burbs. Hope she heals quick.
              A lot of stupid people in my neighborhood do that with their little dogs. I like how i'll take my dogs jogging and when they see my dogs, they give me a dirty look and pick up their dogs.

              Put your damn dog on a leash before it gets ran over or eaten by a dog with cropped ears.

              Originally posted by talisman View Post
              In before 03trublugt tells us his dog bite story.
              Originally posted by 03trubluGT
              Your opinion is what sucks.
              You are too stupied and arrogant


              • #67

                Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                I was on a pit bull attack last night as odd as that may sound. These fantastic people had their pit chained to a tree in the back yard when not in the house and they had about five kids. Well the neighbors 10 yo that has been told to stay away from the dog was running thru the area between the fence and the house and the dog got him. Two or three good bites to the face and one to the side by the lung area. When we walked up he went apeshit and wanted a piece of us, jumping the air and trying to break his chain. When AC showed up to quarantine the dog it took three of the household members to hold the dog from getting loose. We had several neighbors tell us this dog got loose all the time. Just so happened today he was not loose. While I was talking to the fire captain he told me he has been on 14 severe bite calls in his career. He said thirteen were pit bulls and one was a Rott. All dogs have potential to be dangerous we just have pit bull central in my town. I will say without a doubt pits are the hands down most aggressive dogs I have ever had to deal with. I had a pretty crazy white German Sheppard 10 years ago but he never bit anyone that wasnt in his back yard or the house. He never tried to scale a fence and get people or other animals either.
                Sucks for the kid. Hope he doesn't scar up too badly.

                As far as I'm concerned, pit bulls, german shepherds, dobermans and chihuahuaus are dogs that are too bi-polar for me. They can be sweet as pie and then twist off without warning.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
                  Like you don't do wierd shit in east Allen, I checked. You and all of your buddies are wierdos.

                  <----Knows people everywhere!
                  Hahaha whatever brah! I wouldn't be surprise if you at least knew who I was because your daughter is an AW cheerleader and I have a friend that is as well. But I have very few friends in Allen.

                  That was a zack and miri make a porno quote in case you missed that.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Dave View Post
                    Labs were some of the most fiercely territorial dogs I encountered.

                    Dogs on chains are worse. They're usually really pissed off so you steer clear. If you're going to approach a stray dog, or even more so if your entering its' territory, have a simple barrier. Something in your hands to protect yourself, especially a woman.
                    so beat the dog with my old lady?

                    god bless.
                    It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


                    • #70
                      Any loose dog should be shot.
                      That would fix the owners pretty fast to shape up things.
                      I'm tired of dipshits leaving their dogs to run free , fuck with kids, fuck with adults, other dogs on leashes , and get themselves hit by cars ,e tc.

                      Stop all the nonsense. if they look dangerous kill them , if they dont act dangerous tranq them and make owners pay the fucking FEE at a minimum.
                      I like dogs. My mom showed and bred GREAT DANES for a living, so I really do like dogs, big , small, scarey , whatever....
                      It's the fucking OWNERS I HATE!
                      FUCK THEM ! rinse and repeat as necessary.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by futant View Post
                        Any loose dog should be shot.
                        That would fix the owners pretty fast to shape up things.
                        I'm tired of dipshits leaving their dogs to run free , fuck with kids, fuck with adults, other dogs on leashes , and get themselves hit by cars ,e tc.

                        Stop all the nonsense. if they look dangerous kill them , if they dont act dangerous tranq them and make owners pay the fucking FEE at a minimum.
                        I like dogs. My mom showed and bred GREAT DANES for a living, so I really do like dogs, big , small, scarey , whatever....
                        It's the fucking OWNERS I HATE!
                        FUCK THEM ! rinse and repeat as necessary.
                        I say just pepper spray them so the owners also have to deal with with it.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                          I say just pepper spray them so the owners also have to deal with with it.
                          Negative, you would still need to make them pay the fee to get their dog back.

                          Good thoughts though. Maybe feed the dog something sure to cause uncontrollable shitting right before they cut them free from the pound.

                          I remember once i tried to call some ppl when we found their old dog several miles from their house. They were like OH YEAH HE ALWAYS GETS OUT !

                          I really thought somebody just needs to slap the shit out of these people.
                          NO ONE wants to run over your old feeble ass POS dog , lazy fucks ! FIX THE PROBLEM!!!!
                          Unfortunately... you will find that attitude common among owners.
                          It was this day I decided it didn't seem worth helping stray dogs anymore.

                          Another time I pulled up near this cute little dog running all over a yard near a major road.
                          When we pulled up, the dog immediately spots us before we even get out of the car and he runs around the corner and under a fence.
                          We just LOL'd and left so thier dog can get run over some other day.
                          See the problem there - dog smarter than owner !
                          Last edited by futant; 04-30-2012, 02:10 PM.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                            I say just pepper spray them so the owners also have to deal with with it.
                            why pepper spray when you can shoot it? It's a lot harder to pepper spray them when you feel you are in danger....
                            Originally posted by 03trubluGT
                            Your opinion is what sucks.
                            You are too stupied and arrogant


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by unkoricky View Post
                              why pepper spray when you can shoot it? It's a lot harder to pepper spray them when you feel you are in danger....
                              Because some...if not most of us live in busy neighborhoods. I'm not a trigger happy retard thats gonna go squeezing off rounds in that environment when pepper spray will get rid of them too. If you can't handle pepper spray you shouldn't be allowed to handle a gun

                              EDIT: is this really a jab at cops over the whole Austin dog shooting?


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View Post
                                Because some...if not most of us live in busy neighborhoods. I'm not a trigger happy retard thats gonna go squeezing off rounds in that environment when pepper spray will get rid of them too. If you can't handle pepper spray you shouldn't be allowed to handle a gun

                                EDIT: is this really a jab at cops over the whole Austin dog shooting?
                                LOL. Pretty much
                                Originally posted by 03trubluGT
                                Your opinion is what sucks.
                                You are too stupied and arrogant

