A letter we received from the school one of my sons goes to:
And a reply from one parent who felt it necessary to hit "reply all"

I asked my son if he'd ever heard of the game "smother the brother" (cleaned up from smear the queer). He shook his head no. "Dodge ball?" No.
Just wow...
Most my age would've been in jail I suppose if we were to go back to elementary school these days.
Hi there! I wanted to let you know that the boys were playing a rough game of tag today at recess. They said that they are allowed to play “fight” at home in the neighborhood. The game of “tag” got very carried away today ~ it became a tackle, slap, and hit game. They were sent to time out. (Technically I am supposed to send them to the office when they hit.) I cannot allow anyone to get hurt at school. We have let the boys know that they cannot touch or hit at school. I did take their stickers today for playing rough. Can you please discuss that they cannot play so rough at school? It usually gets carried away and someone ends up hurt & crying. Thank you for their support.
As far as my children are concerned, they are in no way aloud or permitted to play this way at home. My boys are punished for playing rough with each other let alone other children. I also ask that you make no special accommodations for my boys when their behavior is less then expected. A trip to the principles office may help create a little fear in them so that they know this type of behavior will not be tolerated.

I asked my son if he'd ever heard of the game "smother the brother" (cleaned up from smear the queer). He shook his head no. "Dodge ball?" No.
Just wow...
Most my age would've been in jail I suppose if we were to go back to elementary school these days.