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Garland SWAT get 3 dogs in one raid
It's all good man. And it is funny when he alters course of a sudden. It's like 'whoops', let's try this way. Bet he's a squirrelly one on the stand...
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Originally posted by mikec View PostI realize that you just want to argue the point, knew even as I posted it that you were going to go to hammer the distinction between home and business. I was merely pointing out what you already know, that people/entities do get sued over that bullshit.
Anyone want a cup of coffee? Thinking about swinging through mickey d's in a few...
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Originally posted by stevo View PostWould that place be a business or a home? I believe the laws are different for each.
Anyone want a cup of coffee? Thinking about swinging through mickey d's in a few...
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Originally posted by 03trubluGT View PostThere needs to be an overhaul of the entire policing system, but there is a few downfalls to a "one size fits all" police standard.
I can tell you the first people that would scream is the ACLU.
They are afraid of a national police force, it would reek of big brother on roids.
If there was a national standard for policing, I'm sure there would be some federal liability and the feds don't want that.
Back on topic.
You guys have no clue what goes into a dog shooting. They are classified as "CPI" (Critical Police Incidents) and the last one I did where the officer was attacked he shot at and missed the dog. The dog decided he didn't want to eat the officer after the loud bang and ran.
I still have to do a complete supervisory investigation which entails calling Crime Scene out to do a detailed scale diagram of the scene. It ends up being about a 35 page report.
Trust me, every one of my peeps know what goes into a CPI, and how I dislike them. If there is an option, they are to exercise it. I don't like killing dogs, but there are times that it is justified (no, and not just because a dog barks at someone).
Animal Control has even put out a slide show presentation on the true signs of aggression of dogs. I've held documented training on it to reduce these kinds of incidents.
Guys, the short answer is I don't have a answer that will fit every scenario. The span of control I have is all I can do, and I don't like seeing this any more than any of you do.
Let me move out of the way now so other posters can come in here and try to railroad you.
There's always going to be some idiot on the force, just like any other job. You can't account for everything. I hate the cops as much as the next guy but you know it's got to be annoying when your daily job involves a dog trying to maul you ON TOP of why you're there for in the first place.
It's not like every ATF douche shots himself in the foot because there is a video on the internet of it.
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Originally posted by mikec View PostI know of one that transpired close to 20 years ago in which a golf course/country club installed two Dobermans after being broken into 2-3 times, and at which the guy came back, broke in, and got mauled. That POS sued and won a couple million because they hadn't posted signs on the dogs.
Can't give you a link but that is a factual case.
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Originally posted by stevo View PostCan you show me a case where a criminal kicked in the door of a homeowner and then sued the homeowner for injuries sustained from a guard dog attacking in the commission of that crime?
I know of one that transpired close to 20 years ago in which a golf course/country club installed two Dobermans after being broken into 2-3 times, and at which the guy came back, broke in, and got mauled. That POS sued and won a couple million because they hadn't posted signs on the dogs.
Can't give you a link but that is a factual case.
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I'm gonna have to hear the other side of the story from the 3 dogs before i hold judgement.
Originally posted by roliath View PostWHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THE DOGS ARE TRAINED TO DO?
If a stranger comes busting down my door, I sure as FUCK hope my dog gets to FUCK HIM UP ROYALLY. I want to hear that sonnabitch scream for mercy while my dog fucks his life up.
Originally posted by 03trubluGT View PostI sure hope you have insurance, or you will be sued until you are eating out of a dumpster.Originally posted by 03trubluGT View PostSo does it have to be this circumstance?
Are you saying it is impossible for your dogs to get off of your property?
Are you saying it is impossible for your dogs to mistake a running child for prey, especially if you have trained them to attack?
You basically admitted to owning a ticking time bomb.
Originally posted by Ruffdaddy View PostTORETTO! SWAT came into my house, disrespected my whole family, shot my dogs because somebody narc'd me out!
I would...
But yeah, 20K for a dog? GTFOH. He better be mixed with a Cheetah or Jaguar LOL.
That dog looks like a regular pit with a special order of dfwmustang cropped ears.
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Originally posted by dcs13 View PostQUOTE from:
4th paragraph from the bottom:
There are even several cases on the books where burglars in the wee hours of the morning were chewed up by the homeowner's dog and who successfully sued for the bites they sustained. In our legal system, you cannot anticipate justice, decency, fair play or reason. What the courts guarantee is legality, and that alone. Settlements out of court are common as a means of reducing costs instead of expending the legal resources necessary to prevail against frivolous lawsuits.
....SUCCESSFULLY sued. Yes that is STUPID but, it happens...
The rules are very different in each state.
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QUOTE from:
4th paragraph from the bottom:
There are even several cases on the books where burglars in the wee hours of the morning were chewed up by the homeowner's dog and who successfully sued for the bites they sustained. In our legal system, you cannot anticipate justice, decency, fair play or reason. What the courts guarantee is legality, and that alone. Settlements out of court are common as a means of reducing costs instead of expending the legal resources necessary to prevail against frivolous lawsuits.
....SUCCESSFULLY sued. Yes that is STUPID but, it happens...
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Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
Animal Control has even put out a slide show presentation on the true signs of aggression of dogs. I've held documented training on it to reduce these kinds of incidents.
My guys have to walk into strange yards with dogs and I would love to be able to give them some real training on how to deal with them.
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Originally posted by dcs13 View PostPERHAPS one of his points is that, even if you are in the "right", getting sued is a likely possibility. Happens all the time...
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PERHAPS one of his points is that, even if you are in the "right", getting sued is a likely possibility. Happens all the time...
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Originally posted by 03trubluGT View PostYou sure are an out of context posting mother fukker.
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