They had enough for it to be a felony. Still idiotic though. Good thing they protected us from those dangerous criminals that were no doubt going to play video games and clean out their pantry all day. The streets are safe to walk now!
Seriously. I bet road rage and homicides would drop 50% the first week if they legalized it.
Am I the only one that read where all 3 dogs came after the officers? I'll give you that seems a crappy way to serve a warrant for the charges filed, but who's to say what they thought was really there or what other charges they had? Still, it's a situation that probably could have been avoided, but if the dogs are coming after the officers, oh well.
wow thank God the cops saved us again.
Fucking yet again, more useless no knock warrants.
The police are the real threat. I so bet it would have been impossible for them to knock on the door and serve the warrant in a respectful way.
I hope they sue the fuck out of that department. They truely deserve it for killing their dogs when every minutia of this could have EASILY been avoided.
I only threw the four thousand number out there because I know a guy who has paid up to four grand for a multiple championship winning blue pit in the show ring in Florida and you can tell when you see the dog it's worth some coin. So I know they can get expensive but twenty thousand is very stupid. The dog pictured above does not look like anything special and something similar could be had over at craigslist or the shelter for a small re-homing fee.
Yeah after I looked at the pic closer, it just looks like a normal pit with a decent coat on it.
I only threw the four thousand number out there because I know a guy who has paid up to four grand for a multiple championship winning blue pit in the show ring in Florida and you can tell when you see the dog it's worth some coin. So I know they can get expensive but twenty thousand is very stupid. The dog pictured above does not look like anything special and something similar could be had over at craigslist or the shelter for a small re-homing fee.
This is the average for a great bloodline of pitbulls. I don't believe the 20k she is throwing out there. I bred pitbulls at one time. One of the guys I would breed with sold dogs to former Dallas Cowboys and even a couple current. They still bought them for the same price as everyone else. Even 21 blackjack puppies don't bring in 20k, I think she is just stating that because she wants more money for the dog when she tries to sue/settle.
I paid 1100 for Goliath and 600 for my other dog Rocky. My uncle used to breed them bout ten years ago.
I still don't believe 20k one bit, even if it was a champion dog.
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