I'd go full retard and follow the F1 circuit for a full season. All out roadie / groupie style.
view from that 10th floor VIP apartment over the Monaco GP:
i'll be in the harbor with my yatch. come on down for a swim in my moet filled swimming pool filled with euro sluts.
Something along these lines to go with my house on PK.
That's what I said! I'd buy a house in PK and stock it with water weenies, boats (pontoon and a ski boat), golf carts, 4-wheelers and enough staff to take care of them. I'd like a guest house that is fully stocked and will include a spare car or two for friends and family to drive while in for a visit.
Maybe a helicopter, pilot and strategically placed Cadillac CTSVs for transportation when we get places since PK/Breck are in the middle of nowhere.
The concept of not working is hard to for me to even consider….I guess ‘job’ means security and certainty. Good food for thought!
I’m too slow for the fast cars and too fast for the slow cars.
I'd go to walmart, tell the manager I want one of every item in the store, and I want to use every fast lane in the building to check out. Then i'd proceed to each register and pay with checks, because fuck you that's why.
I'd go to walmart, tell the manager I want one of every item in the store, and I want to use every fast lane in the building to check out. Then i'd proceed to each register and pay with checks, because fuck you that's why.
Buy a single Wal-Mart. Close the doors to anyone but me and my friends and family. Stock as needed. shut off the lights and air and heat to save money. Live there lol.
Buy a single Wal-Mart. Close the doors to anyone but me and my friends and family. Stock as needed. shut off the lights and air and heat to save money. Live there lol.
I guess I might do the same......but at Cabelas or Bass Pro instead. lol
May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
Semper Fi
Would drop a grip on the kids at Buckner Children's Home at Christmas
What is a grip?
Originally posted by davbrucas
I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.
Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?
You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.