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Another CDL Question

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  • #31
    Supposedly, some of those old military trucks can run on used motor oil . I dont see how its possible


    • #32
      Originally posted by waycooljr View Post
      Supposedly, some of those old military trucks can run on used motor oil . I dont see how its possible
      Lots of old diesel engines can.


      • #33
        Is it just like super high compression or something ?


        • #34
          Originally posted by waycooljr View Post
          Supposedly, some of those old military trucks can run on used motor oil . I dont see how its possible
          The old multifuels run on basically anything, hence the name multifuel.
          Diesel, Gas, Kerosine, etc, keep in mind its not 100% but itll get you where you need to go without grenading...


          • #35
            Find one of those "rent this to take your cdl" trucks and call the #. They know the best places to take your driving test with the least crowded roads. An automatic day cab truck with a 24' trailer is a fuckload easier than a sleeper cab with a stick(double clutch!) and a 53' spread axle trailer when you have to parallel park it!


            • #36
              Well this big bitch is an auto so tge truck and trailer I got.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Pooter View Post
                The old multifuels run on basically anything, hence the name multifuel.
                Diesel, Gas, Kerosine, etc, keep in mind its not 100% but itll get you where you need to go without grenading...
                That would kinda be the ultimate prepper vehicle/engine then .

                There will always be some car that ran out of gas, that has some used motor oil in it . You could just go creep out and scavenge the used motor oil from all the abandoned cars if the sh!t ever hit the fan . All those other fuels are going to have to be bought in bulk and eventually theyll run out

                Gonna be a lonnng time before there aint no more used motor oil in some old car.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by David View Post
                  I get that, but what Im getting at is being in your personal vehicle still goes against a CDL if I need/do get one.
                  Yes, it still goes against your record. Roughly 3.5 to 4 years ago I got a failure to maintain control of vehicle from Arlington. Knowing it was probably going to be next to impossible to fight it, I just paid it off the next business day. It never showed on my record. My job does an annual MVR check and it has always came back clean. Also, some officers will notice you have a CDL and let you off with a warning. The times I've been pulled over it has been a verbal warning.


                  • #39
                    Anyone just have a class A license without the commercial endorsement?'

                    Looks like from reading the DL handbook I can apply for a Class A for not commercial use.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by David View Post
                      Anyone just have a class A license without the commercial endorsement?'

                      Looks like from reading the DL handbook I can apply for a Class A for not commercial use.
                      I have heard that before, but don't know of anyone personally, and I still have my doubts on how that's possible. I have a class A cdl, so if you need someone to move it or something, let me know.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by MattB View Post
                        I have heard that before, but don't know of anyone personally, and I still have my doubts on how that's possible. I have a class A cdl, so if you need someone to move it or something, let me know.
                        Yeah the handbook isnt so clear. They show the types of licenses in one section and then have another section devoted to commercial designation. Some RV forums were saying the non commercial tests are the same as the Class C test with some criteria from the commercial, then a road test in the vehicle rating for the appropriate license.

                        Of course when I asked DPS, I got a blank stare.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by MattB View Post
                          Find one of those "rent this to take your cdl" trucks and call the #. They know the best places to take your driving test with the least crowded roads. An automatic day cab truck with a 24' trailer is a fuckload easier than a sleeper cab with a stick(double clutch!) and a 53' spread axle trailer when you have to parallel park it!
                          Take in a auto shift you cant drive a standard shift tell you pass on one, they mark it auto only.

