It's never too early to teach your kids about the dangers of diesel engines!

Cover of the book The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up
Publication Number: EPA420-K-07-001
"The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up"
EPA, in collaboration with Scholastic, has created a new book in the popular "Magic School Bus" series for children. In these acclaimed educational books and videos, Ms. Frizzle takes her class on science-oriented field trips, riding their magical school bus.
In "The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up," the children and Ms. Frizzle explore the pollution emitted from their own diesel school bus and learn how to reduce emissions as they travel through the diesel engine. The children learn about idle reduction and other ways to reduce health risks from diesel exhaust. At the end of the book, the "Magic School Bus" gets its own pollution control device, a diesel particulate-matter filter
Publication Number: EPA420-K-07-001
"The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up"
EPA, in collaboration with Scholastic, has created a new book in the popular "Magic School Bus" series for children. In these acclaimed educational books and videos, Ms. Frizzle takes her class on science-oriented field trips, riding their magical school bus.
In "The Magic School Bus Gets Cleaned Up," the children and Ms. Frizzle explore the pollution emitted from their own diesel school bus and learn how to reduce emissions as they travel through the diesel engine. The children learn about idle reduction and other ways to reduce health risks from diesel exhaust. At the end of the book, the "Magic School Bus" gets its own pollution control device, a diesel particulate-matter filter