Originally posted by BUFFALOHALTOM
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I understand your attempt at getting things fixed, however, you aren't licensed. Therefor your insurance would deny any damages you cause if a claim occured and someone would be up shits creek because you wanted to try to wait out the systems penalty program. See how that can get real nasty real fast?
Put yourself on the other side. I'm on my way to get my dl reinstated/resolved when suddenly I lose control and hit your vehicle. I injure you, your wife, and new born baby. I'm not insured, I go to jail for no license/insurance and your family ends up in the hospital....
Tell me how your rant would go from there? My excuse as to why being on the road should be okay would of course have to be "but I have money in my pocket to fix my fuckup, I just haven't done so yet"
You would be FUMING PISSED